Gp2xspectrum And Lords Of Midnight Settings


Feb 19, 2006
Lords of Midnight (LOM) runs well on GP2XSpectrum. In fact, GP2XSpectrum is actually easier to use than most Windows-based ZX Spectrum emulators. Anyway, would someone please share the optimum configuration for running LOM? For example, which virtual keyboard, key mappings, etc. I *really* wanted to control viewpoint via the stick, but GP2XSpectrum only recognizes u/d/l/r, not ul/ur/dl/dr, so I couldn't map directly to "Luxor looks NW" for instance.

Has someone found a way to play this without constanly bringing up the virtual keyboard?
Lords of Midnight on the ZX Spectrum has too many keys and so is a bit of a pain to play on GP2xPectrum.

However, there was an extremely faithful remake of LOM by Quirky for the GBA (you can get it here) which runs excellently on gpsp (gameplaySP Gameboy Advance emulator for GP2X). The controls have been re-designed for a handheld and so you switch between characters using the shoulder buttons.
Whizz: The GBA version of LoM is working great. Just one problem - I can't mount wild horses. When Morkin fights some monsters and loses his mount, and wild horses are nearby, I ought to be able to get a fresh mount. It isn't working w/ the GBA version. Or am I missing some command?

fatdad: It's worth the $$ if it fits in my GP2X case ;)
vaustein posted on Feb 8 2007 at 09:28 AM said:
Whizz: The GBA version of LoM is working great.....
Who broke the website? It's been down all day (10th Feb). Can anybody mail or post up somewhere the Midnight and Elite games?
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