Gp2xmenu Source Code


Unix Addict
Nov 13, 2005
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I think it would be good for GPH to release the source code to the menu program. As it is now, the icons are in hard-coded positions, there are a set number of menus, and certain areas reuse backdrops from others. Some people have gotten halfway around these issues with some very creative customization, but its not a solution to the actual problems with the program.

It would also be nice to add features like being able to turn the screen off anywhere in the menu while leaving the unit on, similar to the functionality of the "select" button in the mp3 player.

If we had the source, we could also accomplish the multitasking element that I've seen many people call out for. Listening to audio and looking at an ebook at the same time aren't hard things to accomplish.

What may be troublesome is if someone goes back to the menu while an mp3 is up, and try to run a game. Most Linux distros don't have software mixing enabled by default, and so the audio player would take priority and no sound would come from the game. The extra overhead for cross-application software mixing is something I'm afraid the GP2X cannot afford while playing games, but still.....

Such a source release would only be beneficial to the community.


Post feature ideas/requests and gp2xmenu talk here.
Mad mp3 lets you play mp3s while using the ebook reader.

But i dont know how to get it working, people say they have but wont share with lil ol me :lol:
GPH have said that gp2xmenu is not GPL, so I guess that means they currently have no intention of releasing the source. Shouldn't be too hard to write a replacement though.
They don't have to release the source but I don't see any reason why they would'nt. What benefit do they get from keeping it? Really, all they are selling is the hardware, not the software (apart from the time/money spent of development of the linux kernel and the SD card drivers).
sand_man posted on Dec 23 2005 at 02:14 AM said:
They don't have to release the source but I don't see any reason why they would'nt. What benefit do they get from keeping it? Really, all they are selling is the hardware, not the software (apart from the time/money spent of development of the linux kernel and the SD card drivers).
Chinese Copycats.
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Ding, correct answer, chinise industry is the devil, steal or be stolen from seems the motto, and whos to blame for their evil capitalist system? Us, or more properly USA, which is one letter away from Us, and, i am a part of it.
That and walmart.
Go tout your communist views somehere else you stupid soviet.

I'm just kidding; you're alright.

But, I have to say I'd rather there be the evil corporations there to compete with the government than the government having a monopoly on oppression.
I'm both anti china-corperation and anti america/china-corperation mostly because my brother was an english teacher there. Basterd school didn't even fill out his forms. Luckily for my brother, the max punnishment was like a 60 doller fine and not being able to come back, and they only gave him the fine haha.
fireball87 posted on Dec 23 2005 at 09:11 AM said:
I'm both anti china-corperation and anti america/china-corperation mostly because my brother was an english teacher there. Basterd school didn't even fill out his forms. Luckily for my brother, the max punnishment was like a 60 doller fine and not being able to come back, and they only gave him the fine haha.

All governments should be OPEN SOURCE! :P
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PSyMastR posted on Dec 23 2005 at 07:55 AM said:
sand_man posted on Dec 23 2005 at 02:14 AM said:
They don't have to release the source but I don't see any reason why they would'nt. What benefit do they get from keeping it? Really, all they are selling is the hardware, not the software (apart from the time/money spent of development of the linux kernel and the SD card drivers).
Chinese Copycats.

copycats? so what? how hard would it be just to create a bloody menu from scratch lol? if someone really wanted to copy it they could quite simply just make the menu from scratch themselves, releasing the source just makes it a tiny bit easier.

and who would buy a copycat knock off anyway ????
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Squidge posted on Dec 23 2005 at 12:38 AM said:
GPH have said that gp2xmenu is not GPL, so I guess that means they currently have no intention of releasing the source. Shouldn't be too hard to write a replacement though.

Why wouldn't they release the code for that? I really cannot think of any reason they shouldn't or how it could prove less than beneficial to them.
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I was thinking of getting my hands on a pirate famicom for my collection, does that count. And actually certain ammounts of those copycat devices makes it to the usa, rumor is one of those 10,000 (more like 3) in one joypad nintendos made it into a biglots.

And if its just as easy to create it from scratch then to use the source, i think you just vollenteered yourself the position of recreating the menu.
PSyMastR posted on Dec 23 2005 at 08:55 AM said:
Chinese Copycats.
Why are they smart enough to clone the hardware but not to write their own menu? Regardless of why any bootleg operation would be interested in the GP2X when they could be working on a project that could stand a chance of earning them some money...
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