Gp2x-write: A Text Editor For Gp2x V1.1.0


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007

Hi All,

Here a new version of gp2x-write the text editor for GP2X.

For those who haven't seen previous release, it permits to edit even huge text file, in both dos and unix mode, using iso8859-1 (8bits) characters encoding. All iso8859-1 characters are present in the "Danzeff like" virtual keyboard.

What's new then ?

- New background images from Gruso !
- Add word wrap mode !
- New built in fonts with various size (8x10, 8x14, 8x16 and 16x22)
- New option to specify wrap settings
- New hotkey to display help menu
- New hotkey to rewrap a paragraph
- A new menu for all settings
- Minor bug fix

How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.


Cool, thanks ZX. :) One suggestion, it would be grand if the shoulder buttons acted as page up/down controls.

I made a Gmenu icon:

Also, I saw that your splash screen still had PSP Write on it, so I threw together a GP2X version for you. I hope that's ok!


Then while I still had Photoshop open, I went a little nuts: :unsure:

Main screen:
Help screen background:

Old paper:
Crumpled paper:
Ruled paper:

Hope others get some use out of them. :)
Does the new Version can save in other formats than .txt? This was the main reason why this nice Editor wasn't to useful for me (this and the menu system)
I want to change config files of various Games/programs straight onto the GP2X (F-100) but they not always in txt format.
So it would be very useful, if the Editor just keep the file extension, if there is any. :)
Thanks zx-81. Are you still going to update your computer and console emulators for GP2X? You've also done a vectrex emu for psp, any chance of a port to GP2X?
Gruso said:
Cool, thanks ZX. :) ...
Nice work !! I've integrated those new images in official release, and give you credits in readme and help files :). thanks !

fusion_power said:
Does the new Version can save in other formats than .txt?
The .txt file is not anymore required ... you can edit the file you want with or without file extention.

Hirolaser said:
Thanks zx-81. Are you still going to update your computer and console emulators for GP2X? You've also done a vectrex emu for psp, any chance of a port to GP2X?
The Vectrex emu i've ported on psp is very slow ... (less than 15 fps on gp2x !). I would have to rewrite a lot of code of the original emu, so i gave up
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Thanks for trying anyway. Maybe on the Pandora and Wiz then. What about your computer and console emu's, are you still going to continue updating those for GP2X?
Hirolaser said:
Thanks for trying anyway. Maybe on the Pandora and Wiz then. What about your computer and console emu's, are you still going to continue updating those for GP2X?
yes, i hope to
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I had quite the same idea with the keyboard, but with L and R buttons added (for more combinations). I am working on something similiar for my apps, this kind of keyboard for F100 and touchscreen keyboard for F200, I want to have it fully configurable (so it would be easy to create different compositions with another characters).

Are you planning UTF-8 support except ISO-8859-1?
mosra said:
I had quite the same idea with the keyboard, but with L and R buttons added (for more combinations). I am working on something similiar for my apps, this kind of keyboard for F100 and touchscreen keyboard for F200, I want to have it fully configurable (so it would be easy to create different compositions with another characters).

Are you planning UTF-8 support except ISO-8859-1?
Not for now ... at first, i've developped this homebrew only to edit plugin/configuration files for psp, and then, since i port (most of) all what i'm doing psp to gp2x, i've ported to gp2x ...
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