well I got my package today. too bad it didn't come with the rechargeable batteries/charger or the card reader as it was supposed to so as of right now I can't try this out.
ok, so I send this amount of money and I only get the GP2X and the memory card. no batteries. no charger. no card reader. I send an email and get the response:
I will get it out tomorrow, please have some patience as it is you shorted me some money.
I don't see where I shorted him since he stated he dropped the price to 260.00. do you?
I'm not wanting to be a jerk about it but I think I should get what was promised.
chrishicks posted on Mar 16 2006 at 06:48 PM said:
I don't see where I shorted him since he stated he dropped the price to 260.00. do you?
I'm not wanting to be a jerk about it but I think I should get what was promised.
I am getting so screwed around on this deal. this is a total tick off. I sent him an email back on the 13th and he still hasn't shipped my stuff out. I guess I should take this as a learning lesson and never buy anything from on online forum because you never know which person is a total ripoff artist.