Gp2x What For

The GP2x will be as double as popular as the GP32, that means we could get some good commercial games and much more good programmers will code for it.

And did anyone mention the TV-Out already?
Then improved perfomance of quick ports of GP32's software (by 200/166= 20 percent).

50%? half as fast again in Mhz + other stuff faster still :)


The GP32 can be clocked up to 166MHz. The GP2x has default clock of 200MHz so CPU wise it will be faster by 200/166=1.2048192771084338 (to be exact). Unless you had in a mind that potential 266MHz of GP2x (from MMSP2's doc) then GP2x will be faster by 1.6x. All this of course for code using just one of GP2x's Arm9 cores.
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One very important thing for me that the GP2X will do that GP32 doesn't is a PDF reader (which supposedly is already made?).
Tom Cruise may be a wanker, but he's a rich wanker who's not only been with Nicole Kidman and Penelope Cruz, but has made out many major hotties from Hollywood.

I'm still going to keep using my GP32 long after I get my GP2X, still going to read up on any new advancements, still going to bring it with me to the coffee shop to listen to MP3's, still gonna play Texas Hold'em poker, NES, Gameboy, Colecovision, and I'm hoping a bit better Atari 2600 sometime.

I'm using my GP32 a lot still. For example, for displaying huge MAPS for Neverwinter Nights in JPG format while I'm playing online so I don't have to switch back and forth. For keeping text files and as an in-game notepad while I'm playing Doom 3, to keep a list of DVD's I've lent out to my *censored* family that they haven't returned. I use my GP32 for Quake, Doom, Wolf3D, of course, and trying new stuff. When I have to go somewhere I haven't been before, I scan the page from my map book, compress it to JPG and use the GP32 as a digital map book instead of having to take a map book along with everything else I take with me.

Those are some very cool and practical uses for the GP32 :)

Also, Tom Cruise may have been involved with some hollywood hotties, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's made out with them.

*cough* Gay cover-up *cough*
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Then improved perfomance of quick ports of GP32's software (by 200/166= 20 percent).

50%? half as fast again in Mhz + other stuff faster still :)


The GP32 can be clocked up to 166MHz. The GP2x has default clock of 200MHz so CPU wise it will be faster by 200/166=1.2048192771084338 (to be exact). Unless you had in a mind that potential 266MHz of GP2x (from MMSP2's doc) then GP2x will be faster by 1.6x. All this of course for code using just one of GP2x's Arm9 cores.
Not all gp32's can overclock. Some only reached 132mhz :o (or so i'm told). Mine could only reach 144mhz until I modified it through hardware.

Does that completely rule out GPH manufacturing another line of GP32's in the future?
GPH will not manufacture "another" line of gp32's because they never manufactured the first. GamePark has the rights to the gp32 and it seems like they're done with it and on to the xgp. If you're confused, please search around, theres a simple writeup on it on one of these boards.....
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Does that completely rule out GPH manufacturing another line of GP32's in the future?
GPH will not manufacture "another" line of gp32's because they never manufactured the first. GamePark has the rights to the gp32 and it seems like they're done with it and on to the xgp. If you're confused, please search around, theres a simple writeup on it on one of these boards.....

I'm not confused, I think it's an honest enough misguided assumption that I made about that, thanks for pointing out the real situation with the GP32.

Maybe some chinese company will make another batch instead. Heh.
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Does that completely rule out GPH manufacturing another line of GP32's in the future?
GPH will not manufacture "another" line of gp32's because they never manufactured the first. GamePark has the rights to the gp32 and it seems like they're done with it and on to the xgp. If you're confused, please search around, theres a simple writeup on it on one of these boards.....

I'm not confused, I think it's an honest enough misguided assumption that I made about that, thanks for pointing out the real situation with the GP32.

Maybe some chinese company will make another batch instead. Heh.

I really hope so, the gpx2 is bringing alot of attention to the gp32 so maybe 5-10 thousand more could be sold?
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