Gp2x Value Pack With Tons Of Accesories And Games

May 25, 2007
ok iam selling/trading a gp2x with the value pack. It is very good condition all the rubber protectors and etc on it.,1 or 2 gig sd or 4gig sd card(depends on deal), good case from gamestop, tv out cord, box a little beat up, 2 joysticks one standard and one from uk and strap. Also the cd and instructions... and more if i can find any. The sd card will be preloaded with goods. will send pictures and etc if interested looking for a good condition not to many scratches ipod video.. If something else can be offered that would be fine nothing stupid please <_< .... for example like an xbox. :gp2x
also will be selling it... you name the price...i live in usa but i will ship it worldiwide...

comes with 4 rechargable batteries as well and usb cabe
predatorramboxxx said:
ok iam selling/trading a gp2x with the value pack. It is very good condition all the rubber protectors and etc on it.,1 or 2 gig sd or 4gig sd card(depends on deal), good case from gamestop, tv out cord, box a little beat up, 2 joysticks one standard and one from uk and strap. Also the cd and instructions... and more if i can find any. The sd card will be preloaded with goods. will send pictures and etc if interested looking for a good condition not to many scratches ipod video.. If something else can be offered that would be fine nothing stupid please <_< .... for example like an xbox. :gp2x
also will be selling it... you name the price...i live in usa but i will ship it worldwide...
comes with 4 recharble batteries and sd card reader... yes iam selling this as well please make an offer.
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US $150,

shipped (including shipping) to Australia with the 4GB SD Card, and its SOLD!!
$150 is a very good price. You could buy a new one off Craig for that.
shipping to britain would probably be quite similar.

the offer still stands, seeing as the f200 is dropping in just a few weeks the older models are atleast "cosmetically" obsolete =)
computerB said:
shipping to britain would probably be quite similar.

the offer still stands, seeing as the f200 is dropping in just a few weeks the older models are atleast "cosmetically" obsolete =)
ok i will consider it thought but no 4gig worth of sd cards... iam looking into a trade for a ipod though from someone...
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predatorramboxxx said:
well the 4 gig worth of sd card is easily 40 bucks..
No, it is only worth about $35 new.
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Orkie said:
predatorramboxxx said:
well the 4 gig worth of sd card is easily 40 bucks..
No, it is only worth about $35 new.

well depends what brands you get...if you get generic brand its cheap but slow transfer rate...if you get like sandisks and other name brands its about 20 - 25 for 1-2 gig depends what store. Like i have seen some places its 20 bucks for a gig and 20 bucks at another place for 2 gigs
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predatorramboxxx said:
well depends what brands you get...if you get generic brand its cheap but slow transfer rate...
Maybe so, but the GP2X is slow too when reading from SD :).
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predatorramboxxx said:
Orkie said:
predatorramboxxx said:
well depends what brands you get...if you get generic brand its cheap but slow transfer rate...
Maybe so, but the GP2X is slow too when reading from SD :).

I forgot to add will be trading for a ZUNE

THIS IS SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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