Gp2x Stereo Fix Auto Starter

classicgamingmaster was screwing with you.

As somebody competent enough with the Linux command line to format books for printing and binding in signatures with proper imposition (requiring not one, but TWO types of specialized knowledge to a mild degree), I can say there should be no reason this would break your GP2X if the stereo script didn't break it already.

I think the poster is wise in covering himself, but I'd say this is harmless.

I can't test it, naturally. I'd install it without hesitation.
Well, it haves the potential risk as it replaces a essential file.
Same risk as firmware flashing probably.
But at the time i wrote it i wasnt even sure if gp2x would accept a shell script as gp2xmenu.
Is that the stereo fix patch that's in the archives for download?
As i've already put it on my GP2X and it still seems to work just fine.
yes and no
it replaces gp2xmenu with a file that starts nk's stereo patch and than starts the gp2xmenu, so its auto done at evry start and you dont have to do it yourself.
Well i installed it and then deleted it from my SD card as i didn't realise that you had to do it every time before playing MP3's.
Does that mean it isn't on my GP2X anymore?
yay to that :-)
oh and dont try to be wise and add a ! to the script, couse it will fuck things up! :-)

Curiously enough, that was my first thought. By not using an exclamation mark, you are not calling /bin/shell. But /bin/shell obviously gets invoked or else the script would not work. I am a bit confused now.

What would happen if you added an exclamation mark?
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Oh. Didn't know that. Thanks.
Im still getting the hang of it. Im almost 3/4 done with a coding c for linux book that DCGM kindly lent me.
Just a word of warning:
After you installed this REBOOT!
Ok, now that I got my GP2x, if they ever fix the sound in an official fix (1.0.2 maybe) would there be a way to remove this?