Gp2x Or Psp


Still Fresh
Sep 20, 2007
I'm sure someone has asked for this comparison before. I've googled, and talked to friends from another forum... I just can't make a firm decision between the PSP, and the GP2X.

I want a portable emulation machine.

The GP2X seems to be made to do what I want. With the cradle, I presumably could take the 2X to a friends house, connect a few USB control pads, and play some good ol' gauntlet or some random party game - even display it on the TV. That thought excites me. Emulators may not be at that point yet, but with some time, I bet they will be.

The PSP has two VERY strong points, IMO. The games made for it, look really damn good on that sleek screen it has. Plus, the battery life kills the 2X. But of course... emulation - I'd have to hunt down a specific PSP. Paying attention to the type of mobo, and firmware. As opposed to just buying one. Even if I got the PSP emulating, from what I hear - the screen stretches to fit, and the sprites are blurry. Like original Game Boy blurry. The PSP is really, only a contender - because mostly, I will play alone. I'm looking for the best single-player experience. And the occasional round of "Comix Zone", or "Super Mario World".

I can get PSP questions answered elsewhere, but what I'm looking to find out here:

~ Is set-up brainless on the GP2X? I mean as simple as putting the emu, and roms on a SD and hitting the .exe?

~ I have very, very minimal experience using Linux. Will I need to learn much about the OS to do what I want to do?

~ The quality of the unit - this isn't a complaint, but the unit is priced incredibly low for how handy it is. Almost too low. Like i said, not a complaint. Just makes me think, maybe I'm buying cheap hardware. The whole "You get what you pay for." mentality. How does the unit feel in your hands? Is it solid?

This is really a question of "Which to get first". I definitely plan on owning both.

Thanks all for your time.
~ set-up for the most part is brain-less. As long as you read the read-me files that come with all GP2X software, you won't have any hard times.

~ You don't need to have any knowledge of Linux. Everything is GUI-based, an 100% end-user wouldn't know the GP2X ran on Linux if nobody told them.

~ Isn't the PSP cheaper now? I think it is, by $15 or so. It feels solid, at least the F100 does. I'd wait until October and get an F200 if I were you, as it replaces the sometimes-awkward stick with a dpad, among other niceties.
With regards to PSP and homebrew, no special PSP is needed these days; I think all of them have been busted open at least with pandora, but even aside from that, all but a very few models are easily downgraded to earlier firmwares, and then optionalyl upgraded to 'open edition' type firmwares such as DFark Alex or Team 33's or whatever the heck the current stuff is. So thats not really a concern.

Check the boards here.. there are _dozens_ of these posts.

In short, DaveC will bring up the screen dimensions and resolutions; for some classic machines, the ratio will be odd, for others it'll be perfect, on the PSP. Older PSPs have some refresdh delay for dark colours too.. leading to blur.

Overall, the summary I always say is.. its easier to make better emus (in terms of performance) for the PSP since its a faster overall machine; for the GP2x the porter has to work harder to get better performance. So a lot of emus are superior on PSP, and emus where the porter works hard on the PSP are superior; however, many of the emus for tyhe GP2x have been done with heart, so are far superior. Consider Genesis emulation.. it absolutely rules on the GP2x.

So it depends on your general needs .. which emus, what pricepoint, do you want commercial titles, do you care about controls, touch screen (GP2x f200), and so forth.

Very biased opinion comes right away.


Because you can use ordinary SD cards, and standard AA batteries. Because it already comes with all the emulators you need and because you don't have to crack anything to get homebrew going.
Because it has an awesome DivX player preinstalled.
Because of the friendly developer community.


Play commercial 3D games that are priced insanely high.
... can't think of anything more
I've more or less decided to get the PSP first. And here's why:

I like a few PSP games. Power Stone, Mega man, Darkstalkers, etc. It is possible, to run emulators - which is the only thing i want the GP2X for. If, i can get the PSP to do what i want, then I can always get the 2X.

If i get the 2X first, then I still have to buy a PSP. unless, they make a PSP emulator for the 2X - which if they do - I'm sure it wont play PSP games as well as the PSP does.

Thanks to both of you for your input.

**yes, the PSP and GP2X are about the same price. I expect the PSP to be about that price, though. It is contending with the Nintendo DS - it needs to be as low-priced as possible. Sony actually loses money with every sale. Plus, it's no where near as handy as the GP2X (i mean retail) - The 2X, it's not in competition with anyone else (at least, as much as i know). I never even heard of it until a couple months ago.
I bought Gp2x for training the skill of coding. When I'll finish my project I'll will replace it in my inventory with some tiny Mp3-player and return to PC deving.
For emulation I prefer use PC.
GPH should ship gp2x consoles to the third-world countries, I think

Portable Media(Entertaiment) Player wars are comming and gp2x will have no stick to protect itself.

And I'm going to buy PSP since it has some game titles that is very dear to my heart.
Buy the PSP for PSP games, and by the GP2x for homebrew/emulators.
You need to go to the PSP sites and take a very close look at what is actually available and the judge for yourself. One thing you will notice is that the GP2x emulators are much more frequently updated and improved upon, while many of the PSP emulators are older and have far fewer revisions.
In my opinion, the only PSP emulator that I think is better is the CPS2 emulator.
On the GP2x, I believe that we have a much better MAME, Genesis, Amiga, and Atari Computer. SNES is even these days, the others are so close (and really I don't play the others enough to be a great judge) that it is a wash.
Both are great devices, and there are some great commercial PSP games.
I have both.

On PSP, PSX and GBA are perfect and near faultless respectively. GP2X will never have PSX emulation like on PSP, and GBA is pretty close if you can overclock your GP2X to over 260. However, the strech screen option on PSP looks amazing, and is not as blocky as you might expect.

On GP2X, Mega Drive (Genesis), NES, SNES, Amiga, Mame, CPS2, Master System are better in my opinion. Some Sony fanboys claim Amiga/ SNES are better on PSP but this has not being my experience in practice. SNES slows down for the music to play, while Amiga simply runs slower on PSP depsite a better menu system. If your GP2X can overclock over 250, you will experience almost perfect emulation for SNES on GP2X, and at about 260 better Amiga emulation too.

Just my opinions, but I find it funny when people state SNES is fullspeed on PSP when I know it is not! I have no particular favouries btw - both are great machines. IMHO GP2X is better for emulation. PSP however has some amazing games... .. . Decide if you want the commercial PSP games with semi decent emulation, or a handheld with bettter emulation prospects.
Which currently has the better Atari Jaguar emulator? I want to play AvP :)

Cant get the F100 anymore :( have to wait until the F200 is out or get a PSP :?
Rob27 said:
Which currently has the better Atari Jaguar emulator? I want to play AvP :)

Cant get the F100 anymore :( have to wait until the F200 is out or get a PSP :?
I dont think you can play it on the gp2x yet
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I dont think you can play it on the gp2x yet

:( thats a shame.. Will prob get the GP2X still but not keen on the new white one.