Active Member
Problem with that, Parkydr, is that while a lot of people on here know a lot about what the PSP can do, very FEW PSP users know anything about the GP2X, if they've heard about it, that is.
Im almost as old !!It's funny how people ask this sort of question in the GP2X forums, I don't see how you can expect an objective answer from an obviously biased group. I freely admit to being a GP2X fanboy ("boy" might be stretching a bit at 43)
Have you tried the same question on the PSP forums?
if u dont care much about specifics go with the psp
Probably enough said on this already.
Between PSP and GP2X (I have both), I would choose the GP2X without hesitation.
With your focus being emulation, you'd have to go with the GP2X. If you're a poor student, then you probably won't be able to afford new UMD games, so emulation is your best option.
7. Gp2x is the Next Nokia N Gauge
This is untrue, the MK2 GP2X is very stable.The GP2X has quality control issues.
A was reading a review of the handheld, and it took 4 seperate devices to be used until the reviewer found a working one.
Sorry. I don't speak retardese. Can you get someone to translate into meaningful English before you post, please? You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications.
I don't know what makes you such a worthless poster, but it really works! You wouldn't know Up from Down if you had three guesses. Anyway, who was talking to you or even taking you under consideration? As Robert Wilensky said: "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
You have that certain nothing. Truly, you are about as interesting as watching a slug move slowly across a large rock. I bet you thought it was just coincidence that your parents had the same surnames before they married? Maybe you wouldn't be such a Jerk-In-The-Box if you weren't so stupid that even single-celled organisms out score you in IQ tests; if your weren't so fat that you make sumo wrestlers look anorexic, or if you didn't have a face that people shove in dough to make monster cookies. Nah, of course you would.
In future, wake up the dozy peglegged hamster operating that wheel-powered brain of yours before you start typing.
This is what the people from over at a popular psp forum thought about my question:
What they think
I am being torn in two!