GP2X Gp2x Official Sdk And Devkitpro Q's??


Oct 4, 2005
Is it just me, or is there still absolutely no news on the official SDK for GP2X?
I thought it was going to be release with the device....

I noticed the DevKitPro release and I am keen to use that, but I am unsure if it will work with SDL. Does it support SDL? I currently have SDL working on windows and I am about half way through a game, how hard will it be to port to the new DevKitPro ?

Thanks for any help.

Can't wait to see my noob-ish efforts on the GP2X screen :P
Thanks D.A.

Do you know if they are releasing SDL with it?

I was just fiddling with DevKitPro trying to get it to work with SDL, but it wouldn't compile anything... hmmm it might be because I was trying to do it through DevC++ IDE... but i didn't think that would be any different.

Any pointers on getting my project to compile with SDL using DevKitPro ?

SDL programs already work on the 2x, i.e, SDL libraries have already been ported to the 2x. Dev-C++ also works fine with SDL, but the program can sometimes be a hassle to get working with certain libraries. Try starting an SDL project; that should automatically make the script link SDL with your executable.
Ok... well in the past 2 hrs I managed to break my working game code... so I want to fix that before I try and compile it under arm-linux env.

Thanks for your help iignotus!

Pop into #GP2XDev sometime if you want a hand setting up SDL for the GP2X.

There are working SDL ports that work fine with DevKitGP2X or the Open2x Buildscripts.
Infact several people are using it for apps :D.
Yo DJWillis,

Is there any online Doco on setting up or recompiling SDL for GP2X, as I don't have internet at home and IRC is blocked at work?

Also I am still after some tutorial or guide for getting the DevKitPro_GP2X toolchain working under windows with Dev-C++... any help with that is most appreciated.

As soon as I get net at home, or drop around to my folks, I will come on IRC and have a chat with everyone... until then I can only read info that is online.

Thanks all for the help.