Gp2x Help With Emulators And Firmware


Still Fresh
May 8, 2007
Hi all,bought a gp2x a couple of months ago and it came with some emulators and firmware 3.0.0 i had some roms for most of the emulators and got most of them running,im struggling with a few to run,but none the less im pleased with my purchase,The only problem is that the help given with the emulators is written for someone who has years of experience and knows a lot about emulators and setting up sd cards eg. put in a folder called /mnt/sd/roms/nes in a read me,now i know to ignore the /mnt/sd/ but for newcomers to the gp2x they can be sat for hours reading and struggling on what they are doing wrong, which in time will make them leave gp and move onto something else like the psp,and wondering why they bothered with one,this site needs a person to set up easy to follow instructions on how to setup emulators an easy way before the gp2x falls into the handheld history,I myself want a new skin for my gp2x but with having firmware 3.0.0 i dont know where to turn,the buyers of gp2x are mixed people some know what they are doing some dont,e bay is filling up everytime i look at it with gp2x because of the frustration of searching for answers on how to play mame games on it,to get a nes to run a game and then it freezes,this little machine can cause frustration,the reason i bought it was for emus and now most of them are running i am pleased so i guess what im asking for is a emu section wrote in plain english for me and others to read, setup our gp2x, and play without scratching our heads and regretting the gp2x,and looking at what our bids are on ebay on the little machine which made us trawl in forums for hours ,to no avail,i hope someone reads this and sees my point i hope the gp2x has a promising future but without help and easy setups it could be the end for it
TelcoLou said:
Wall of text! My head ... !!!
Stop whining, tight packed text but, I don't think it could be a problem for anyone to get most things running. If you bought the gp2x in the first place, most people have at least a ounce of knowledge about these things.
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i myself am new to the gp2x, ive had it about 2or 3 weeks.
here are some tips that could help you out:

1) ALWAYS read the readme files.
the gp2x can read text files, this WILL help you out the most

2)skins for firmware 3.0.0
Make a folder on the root directory of your SD card called skins and put skins in it, the current skins that work for FW 3 are Liquido's 3d skin and a new one called Ubuntu

you might think that it is retarded to bring this up but SEARCH the forums before you post, the answer is more than likely already there.

for nearly all emulators you need to mess around with the clock speed of your gp2x, the framerates and other such things. did i say readme files kick ass?

Crashing is normal, keep your mame roms as a ZIP file, Emulators sometimes come with a ROM directory put your roms in there...

i admit the gp2x isnt for everyone. but with patience and doing your reasearch, im sure anyone could learn how to use it.
Cheers fatdad for that, :D Thanks to the Gimper 79 and Telecom for taking the time to write your drivel really helpful,lmfao over them,not,And before you write more to answer to this just remember it shows you have nothing better to do now go back to your day job of licking stamps,nothing better to do i see telecom lol
Tuco2007 said:
Cheers fatdad for that, :D Thanks to the Gimper 79 and Telecom for taking the time to write your drivel really helpful,lmfao over them,not,And before you write more to answer to this just remember it shows you have nothing better to do now go back to your day job of licking stamps
Well, it at least resembles English ... :P

:lol: ... licking stamps ... :lol:
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OK, OK, please use periods. Or at least end your post with one. :S
that is hell to read. :)
. Happy now! As i said before trawling through garbage on posts,nice one,make it harder for people.
Once more around, pal, Sounds like pops and buzzes from here.

i can offer you some advice as i'm new myself. i've managed to solve a lot of my problems with my emu probs by simply NOT using my usb card reader. just transfering my things through my gp2x usb port directly.


the gp2x is totally rocking!!! respect to all that helped me........... !!!

tuco2007. reading can be very good for the soul... :-)

once again cheers to all the dudes, legends, geniuses that helped with my problems!!!