Gp2x F200 Speaker Issue


Still Fresh
Sep 22, 2007
Me and 39 other fellow soldiers each purshased a GP2X F200 to bring with us to our up coming deployment in Iraq for personal entertainment. The big problem is that when ever we plug in our headset on the unit the speakers do not shut off, resulting in sound coming from both the speakers and headphones. For us thats a major issue! We find it odd! that 40 GP2x F200 has the same problem. Expecially bran new one's out of the boxes! His there a fixe for this or where can we send our units for repairs? Is this issue normal for the F200? We also emailed the GP2X manufacturer and are waiting for reply from them.


Protecteur :P
Protecteur said:
Me and 39 other fellow soldiers each purshased a GP2X F200 to bring with us to our up coming deployment in Iraq for personal entertainment. The big problem is that when ever we plug in our headset on the unit the speakers do not shut off, resulting in sound coming from both the speakers and headphones. For us thats a major issue! We find it odd! that 40 GP2x F200 has the same problem. Expecially bran new one's out of the boxes! His there a fixe for this or where can we send our units for repairs? Is this issue normal for the F200? We also emailed the GP2X manufacturer and are waiting for reply from them.


Protecteur :P
I don't own an F200 so I couldn't say for sure, but maybe there is a setting in the setup that allows control of that. There might also be a possibility that you are using headphones who's jack is not long enough to shut off the speakers (depending on how deep the switch is).

What about batteries? Aren't they a little hard to come by in the field?

Good luck in Iraq. Thanks for making such a thankless sacrifice. Hopefully the "war" will be over soon and you can play with your new toy at home.


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Thanks tried the speaker swithch on and off software and that work!! I will let you guys know what GP2X has to say on the issue when I hear back from them. Thanks for the help greatly apreciated!!! :D


My F-200 is completely silent with the ear buds plugged in, not even the power on noise is heard, you might want to take a look at the head phones and make sure you've got it plugged in completely, has a tendency to hit the edge of the rubber plug. Definitely not the expected behavior.
xcen said:
weird, I don't have that problem with the headphone jack on mine...

However, I do have it when using the Cradle or the TV Out wire, which is Ultra annoying, so thanks bacteria for the link to the app, I was not aware it existed!
No problem.

The GP2x mobo I am modding with on my project has the same issue, I connected the audio from the old GP2x speaker cables and they give as good a signal as those from the audio output (TV-out cable), which is interesting!
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