Gp2x F-200 D-pad


Jun 12, 2006
The gp2x f-200 d pad is no good when i'm trying to play games using the d pad it's impossible to play with it is there any ideas how this d-pad should be used or is there solution that the d-pad can completely be removed for a joystick the gp2x f-100 mk2 model was better it had a joystick which was great now they have released a gp2x f-200 which has really poor d-pad.
You might wanna do this.
The actual modding starts at about 2:10

The result in action -
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sukhigp said:
the gp2x f-100 mk2 model was better it had a joystick which was great now they have released a gp2x f-200 which has really poor d-pad.
the f100 joystick is far from great
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It's a bit bizarre - when the F-100 came out there were loads of threads about how crap the joystick was and how it should have a D-Pad, now it's the opposite :huh:
Parkydr said:
It's a bit bizarre - when the F-100 came out there were loads of threads about how crap the joystick was and how it should have a D-Pad, now it's the opposite :huh:

The problem is that although F200's D-pad is a light year ahead of F100's people were demanding NES like D-pad that has all buttons joined as one piece. This makes certain games easier to play... think of doing Shoryuken that requires continuation of D-pad moves. When the buttons are separate, it's harder to pull it off.

What's funny is that when Nintendo introduced its original D-pad back in the 80's people were complaining about it initially. Everyone was used to arcade joystick at that time. LOL
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The best scenario is a D-pad with a flat circle on top of the 4 directions and a joystick on top of that. (I have this on a thread in BenHeck). You can operate the stick like an analogue stick although it is a 4 way digital. It does mean therefore that it is just as easy to get a diagonal as the normal 4 directions; very easy to use and get right all the time. I think DaveC's new top looks like it operates in a similar way in principle (without the stick on top though). Doing it with a proper stick on top (like an analogue type stick) will of course be too big for an unmodded GP2x.
Gr.Viper is completely correct, doing that is a quick and easy method to connect all of the dpad membrane switches.

On the subject of the Stick being better:

I will not argue that a Dpad or a stick is better, it is perfectly clear to me that GPH can't get either one right.

The Dpad however is much easier to modify and can in fact easily be replaced with a one-piece pivot style (AKA real dpad), either internally or externally (as shown in that brilliant youtube video), while retaining use of the original switching mechanisms.

The original stick was a piece of pure crap. While I do wish that a proper micro-switched 4-way (logical 8-way) model was produced instead of the "brass cap" affront to reason that was given us, I think that a D-Pad is fine (and much easier to modify).

As for the "center press":

This is the reason we don't have a real D-pad, instead of adding a separate physical switch GPH thought that a disconnected set of four directions could be used simultaneously to activate the center press function.

Boo. A simple method to regain the function is to use a momentary 5-pole switch (or logic array that performs a similar function), pressing it will connect all four to the common and then the center button will press.

Interesting, but far too expensive at present for me to purchase and play with.
I did watch the you tube video it was really good gp2x d-pad mod, did he make it himself.
I thought the new d-pad was the best part. There is still quite a bit of throw going between say SE and NW, diagonal's a bit tricky. Got about five hours on the F200 without any ill effect yet, my scores are no worse for it.
sukhigp said:
The gp2x f-200 d pad is no good when i'm trying to play games using the d pad it's impossible to play with it is there any ideas how this d-pad should be used or is there solution that the d-pad can completely be removed for a joystick the gp2x f-100 mk2 model was better it had a joystick which was great now they have released a gp2x f-200 which has really poor d-pad.
WHY, oh WHY did Gamepark depart from the gp32's joystick/thumbpad? Perhaps the best controller ever on a portable. I don't remember much if any complaining about it. My only complaint about it is it's not very good (nor is any thumpad) at games like pacman. But other than that, it's great. I don't know why they dropped it.

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The gp32 was a good joystick they should of kept the design and port it over to gp2x f-200.
GP32 Joystick was a nice design, but had limited life (The joystick became loose, wasn't as clicky, became impossible to hit diagonals... after extensive use I'll admit)

I will also admit that the GP2X is plagued with weird control faults...

I like the DPad on the GP2X-f200, maybe it's just the fact that I can play payback ten times better now :P