Gp2x F-100 Not Responding To Input In Many Programs


Mar 3, 2008
Hello. I was performing the dpad mod on my GP2X, and i got it working splendidly. I went to T-mode, and all the keypresses show up right. It worked great in payback and descent. But then I tried PocketSNES. Then gnuboy2x. Then gpsp. And....All of them either freeze at the menu screen, or freeze when I load a rom. I had these working perfectly before, why would the dpad mod keep them from working?
palmertech said:
Hello. I was performing the dpad mod on my GP2X, and i got it working splendidly. I went to T-mode, and all the keypresses show up right. It worked great in payback and descent. But then I tried PocketSNES. Then gnuboy2x. Then gpsp. And....All of them either freeze at the menu screen, or freeze when I load a rom. I had these working perfectly before, why would the dpad mod keep them from working?
maybe you broke something else off?
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Hosed directory on the SD card maybe? You could try running Scandisk on it, or re-formatting it and copying all your data back.
Thanks for the replies. It did have a resistor that fell off, but it worked fine without it (I replaced it anyway). I have tried 2 different SD card, one formatted with the Windows XP formatter, one with the official SD formatting tool. Both of them do not work...I have also tried putting the files in the NAND, but still no dice. Should I try upgrading the firmware? It is on 2.1.1, which I have heard is the best, but I really dont mind a longer boot time. Thanks in advance for any help (If I cant fix this, its just another reason to get a Pandora! :D )
Since the programs worked fine before, it's safe to assume that the fault is hardware-related, not software. However, if you must flash... flash with 2.0.0 :)