DaveC said:
Thanks for the update.
It is smoother now but still runs slow. The game speed just runs slower than it should even at 60 FPS. That suprises me as ColecoVision is a pretty simple system hardware wise. I tested against the XMESS version.
Use the FPS display option, and you will see the real speed (the speed is fine on all the games i've tried, but i didn't try so much).
You speak about Xmess, that i've tried couple of days ago, and i've to say that the emulation accuracy is not so good compared to ColEm on several games. Try the game Antartica for example, you will see that the pinguin is running one time fast, one time slow (depending of the sprites that are displayed on the screen), the sound is not played properly, and it's far from what i call smooth

The FPS is 60 but that slows down the game speed itself. I could actually tell the emu was slower than the real hardware before the game even started. I could tell as the "C O L E C O V I S I O N" screen that comes up before the game starts was taking way longer before the player selection screen came up. In alot of emus when you run at 60 FPS the game speed slows so you have to frameskip to get the game fullspeed. Of course when you skip frames it gets choppier. This is all due to the emu just running slower than the real hardware. For ColecoVision it should be able to run fullspeed and 60 FPS too on the GP2X. It would need further optimisation though as the GP2X is much slower than a PC or PSP.
I tried "Pepper II" and Colem ran slower than Xmess and the sound was "dragging" kind of like a cassette tape that is playing too slow. The sound in other games seems "off" too maybe due to the speed of emulation. It is more accurate than Xmess but slower. I guess the better accuracy comes at a price in speed.