Gp-link Usage


Active Member
Jan 26, 2005
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Hi, I posted this a while ago in the FAQ forum but it wasn't listed, guess this is its right place:

Is there any use for the GP-Link ()The RF module) beside playing COMMERCIAL games designed for the GP32? Has anyone developed any software that uses it for anything? as everyone knows there's a sweet deal on these on GP32Z (hope they haven't gone out of stock already) and I wanna use this chance.
There's at least one piece of homebrew software that uses it, and I think it's open source. Can't remember it off hand though, so you'll have to search the forums :)
Thanks a lot Squidge, I will look for it.

BTW is there any technical documentation available for it online?
I don't think so, but you never know - I've never looked myself. It doesn't help that gplink is also a usb linker for the gp32 made for Linux.

Apparently though it's standard rs232, so it could be as simple as whatever you send to it gets transmitted and whatever it receives you get back. Really don't know without examining some source.
Check out Jump and Bump, GPAsteroids, NetPong and one other I can't remember right now (but it's by petiso and it's connect 4) they are homebrew GP-Link games. Jump and Bump is really addictive, and should be GPL, unfortunately I still have yet to find a place to get the source from :S I've been taking a look at doing some GP-Link compatible stuff but I'm not really that good at coding so it's coming along quite slowly, so don't expect to see anything from me too soon :P
Time to sound stupid :P

What is the type of radio frequencies the GP-Link produce if anyone knows?

The stupid part----> can I use it for... controlling my TV for an example? -_-
I very much doubt if you can use it to control your tv. It's radio waves and I'm guessing your tv is infra-red.
I will find a use for it, I doubt that I will be using it for multiplayer, but I will sure find a use for it, if I couldn't, the cable itself worth that cheap price, and it can serve as a seed for a hardware mod :D

I really appreciate your replies guys, specially after the GP2X and everyone selling their GP32s and (shift+delete)ing their GP32 directory, thanks a lot.