Gp Api Reference


Apr 2, 2004
Liguria, Italy
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Hi All.
Some of you already know me for my GP32iDE. :lol:

I was planning (while writing my IDE ), to include an API reference, but the ones I found on the web, were mainly in Korean language, and the ones translated into english, contains Korean characters, so Acrobat Reader asks me to install those fonts, and I can't display the page correctly.

I'm also a PHP programmer, so I use to visit and I was wandering if the people here could help me/other devs with an "Open Source" reference wich include functions prototypes, parameters explaination, comments, examples...

To make this reference usable on any platform, I've structured it in HTML language, with some Javascript, and CSS templates to customize the look. Since I'm following the IDE, right now, and have few free time, it will be nice if somebody here wants to join this project. :)

The guide will be avail to everybody and anyone can add his comments and examples. B)

Each function will be stored in a html file named by the function name plus the htm suffix ( eg: GpSurfaceGet will be stored in GpSurfaceGet.htm file)

I think this will be very useful for everyone of us and expecially for newbies; I've attached the skeleton for the reference, so you can look at it and maybe start filling with infos. I've included a function taken from the official SDK. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the link, Akuma.
But what I meant was to add some comments/examples on the usage too. B)

Maybe I'll start copy/paste from this doc, but if someone else could help me in this job, it will be easier/faster, to include it in the ide and distribute it. :lol:

Still searching for volunteers :rolleyes:

Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 8 2004 at 10:57 AM said:
the following is the newest API reference (2.1.0), in DOC format, not that stupid PDF format
LOL yes who needs that 'stupid' open-standard PDF format which anyone can generate and read when we have Microsoft Word format, a binary format locked down and only editable through ridiculous decompilation the likes of which only OpenOffice has bothered to attempt.

RTF would be a far nicer option if you dislike PDFs but still want something everyone can read.
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Just because its open standard doesnt make it good. Its a pain to scroll through and read, and most often even full screen the authors use really small fonts so you have to zoom in (even worse of you dont use it full screen), and then instead of wrapping the text like any decent program, it requires you to scroll vertically AND horizontally to see everything. The "select" for selecting text is crap, and usually copies alot more than you want because of the way it works, and I can go on and on but you get my point.
agreed, PDF is rubbish.

the only reason its the norm is because clever Adobe puts a free copy of Acrobat Reader in every CD known to mankind! grrrr!

they should make it in HTM format
so to make a PDF file you need to buy "expensive" tools. I've choosen to make the reference free in html so everyone can view/modify it.

Till today, I didn't yet found someone who wants to help me with this reference :( too bad. :blink:

With linux you can make PDF for free, and there are some free PDF creators under windows too ;)

But HTML format is bettrer for such ApI reference :)
Why so many sour toughts about PDF? It's the "lingua franca" for interchanging documents via Internet. It's modified PostScript, therefore default language for page description, whose variant exist on every computer known to mankind.
My point is: If you are so smart, than invent something better than PDF.

Seems to that every one who complains about PDF actually complains about generation of PDF files. So, why dont you go to and download freeware called FinePrint pdfFactory or another program called pdf995 (

My point is: stop wasting time by complaining about how to generate PDF file, rather use your talent to generate USABLE GP32 API documentation.
I have no problems with the PDF format for certain uses, but it really is not the best format for a project such as this. As proven by the small example, HTML is much more appropriate for a browsable API reference. Unless of course, you plan on printing it out.

There is also the option of those compiled HTML help files. Although, I'm not sure if they are windows specific.
No problem for PDF format,
but let's say we make the reference in PDF, right? Now let's say when reading it, you see some mistake, or want to add an example in a functions, some notes, or add a function not yet included in the reference... :P
You have to get the "source file" from which you generated the PDF, and the "recompile" it. So we had to distribute the PDF and the "source".

What if the api is written in HTML? B) Just open your favaourite text editor (or notepad ;) ), do the changes and submit it.

Daz_Genetic=There is also the option of those compiled HTML help files. Although, I'm not sure if they are windows specific.
This could be a variant, the HTML is the same, but the prob is the same as the PDFs: they're compiled, so any change will bemuch longer. <_<

StoneThrower = My point is: stop wasting time by complaining about how to generate PDF file, rather use your talent to generate USABLE GP32 API documentation.
Why didn't you contribute? As I posted before, I'm searching for people that can help me, coz I'm coding the IDE to develop.. If I spend all my free frew minutes each day on the API, the IDE release date will be delayed...
Since most of the APIs have been documented in PDF format, the work will be to copy/paste them in an HTML struct I thought and still developed, ready on my HD.

But until today I didn't find ONE person who want to help me. :(
