Got My Green Transculent Gp32 :-)


Still Fresh
Jun 1, 2005
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Today my green transculent NLU EU-Version GP32 did arrive (got it from eBay) :-))

The first tests went fine:
- using OutRun in the MegaDrive-Emulation
- using Pole Position in the ATARI800 Emulation
- did download here the Christmas-Edition, but the Version seems to be patches
with different name for the Race and the Logo at the startup-balloon
(would try with a different copy...or have a look a my ATARI-cartridge :-)) )
- clocktester did only run fine at 133Mhz, did crash at 160Mhz
but Dr.MD (Megadrive) did tell me that he use 144Mhz

Did get the GP32 with a 64MB SMC (with GP32 Sticker = original?) and a non-opened
EU-CDROM for the GP32.

Where could I get a actual CD/DVD with GP32-Software (like a Backup from GP32X)?
I did saw a CD like this on eBay-UK for around 3-4 Pound.

The next thing will be a 128MB Chatboard did arrive before my GP32...THANKs to Toys4Boys :-))

I did start some Megadrive Games, all went fine but the Sonic2-Screen is scrambled....
Could this be a bad ROM-File?

I dont know which Launcher is on my GP32 but I think its the standard-EU-Launcher...because the
GP32 Startup seems to be normal a Gamepark GP32 Animation for Play or PCLINK.
Did anyone have a link for the Picture of this Launcher? Its looks very dark/back in the background.

My green/orange Accus (2300mAh) from GP (not Gamepark) are lokking nicely to the transculent green of the GP32...and its fine to use GP-Accus in a GP32 :-))

The USB-Cable-Connector did rember me to the USB-Connection of a old digital camera of mine... a AIPTEK DVII this a standard-Mini-Connector?

At a closer look the AIPTEK Connector is different.... :-(

I did read from the GP32 for a "long" time, but it never appeared here in Germany (where I did take a look).....but the last months some GP32 could be found at eBay and then I did find the green one for a price which couldnt let me say no :-))

I like old computers and consoles...I got many from the originals in my House...but havent the space to put it all on the table / on a TV :-(( the GP32 wil help me getting some in my hand...

Its incredible fast smooth hat emulation did work against my Mac or PC...but OK my Mac did use Outrun for MAME and this is the Megadrive...but the sound is better in Dr.MD than the Genesis Emulation on my Mac (the countdown-Sound at the start of the race for example).

So thats the first my first eveneing with a GP32.

Bye from Germany
Yes, PIC's would be great as I would love to see it or the auction number on Ebay as I am sure they posted PIC's in the auction would be cool!
Today my green transculent NLU EU-Version GP32 did arrive (got it from eBay) :-))

The first tests went fine:
- using OutRun in the MegaDrive-Emulation
- using Pole Position in the ATARI800 Emulation
  - did download here the Christmas-Edition, but the Version seems to be patches
    with different name for the Race and the Logo at the startup-balloon
    (would try with a different copy...or have a look a my ATARI-cartridge :-)) )
- clocktester did only run fine at 133Mhz, did crash at 160Mhz
  but Dr.MD (Megadrive) did tell me that he use 144Mhz

....So thats the first my first eveneing with a GP32.

Bye from Germany

You don't really want a GP32. The emulators are slow and buggy, and the translucent green ones tend to break real easy because UV rays get in and fry the CPU. It is good that you got a deal on it. :ph34r:

But to be nice I will take it off of your hands for you. I will give you a shiny mint Nintendo DS for it if you want, I will even throw in the Metroid demo. Or if you want cash tell me how much, you can make a little profit :P
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Post some pictures, or else we won't believe you :lol:

No Problem .-))

take a look:




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You don't really want a GP32. The emulators are slow and buggy, and the translucent green ones tend to break real easy because UV rays get in and fry the CPU. It is good that you got a deal on it. :ph34r:

I know .-)) it was very hard to get only a green GP32...but nobody want to sell me a normal :-))
So I had to recue the owner before me from these green shinny know how happy he was to give it away .-))

Bye from Kahl am Main (near Frankfurt/Hanau/Aschaffenburg)

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Sweet! Looks like you have the Euro FW on it ... it was previously flashed?

Nice looking machine man ... I love clear cases :)
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Sweeeeeeeeeet man I those the green case!!!!!!

Does any one where where you cna buy moded cases like that would rock??
Another thing I noticed is that the seller made the auction only advaible to Germany and would only ship to Germany and the site was in German that was easy translate using and was bale to read it fine. It sold liem only $120.00 USD and even though it;s a non-lit unit I would have swapped the shell with the FLU. Man too bad they didn't offer to sell ti to the rest of the world as they would have gotten more money...

Tidus fior sure has gotten a rare find and I am happy for you that you were bale to get this..
Oh man what an idiot on eBay, he didn`t know what he was selling!
How can such people get their fingers on one of these???

He could easily go for double money if he would have sold it and the gp32x marketplace for example.

Oh man, you have to be a lucky guy to get one of these.

Where are you from, btw :D
"Bye from Germany

Don`t you think I know that, and that`s why I went in detail. <_<
Also, he answered that already, so you once again posted completely unecessary :P
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