Got My Email!

mosschops said:
Prometheus said:
I have received my shipping confirmation e-mail, timestamped at 9:32am today. Bizarrely, there was an identical second one timestamped at 9:38am, for no reason I can discern. :P

My original order confirmation came in at 3:31pm BST on September 30th 2008.
no sign of mine yet from 14:51 on the same day!

@mosschops 15:31 BST is 14:31 UTC, you are after Prometheus in the queue.

I got my first confirmation at 14:30 & 47 sec :D But no shipping email yet, this is getting interesting...
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Prometheus said:
I have received my shipping confirmation e-mail, timestamped at 9:32am today. Bizarrely, there was an identical second one timestamped at 9:38am, for no reason I can discern. :P

My original order confirmation came in at 3:31pm BST on September 30th 2008.
I actually had the same thing happen to me yesterday. I assumed it was because I had a Pandora order, and I also had an accessories order. They where supposed to combine them into one package, but I still think they just send an email, as both orders had 2 differant account numbers, therefore, 2 differant shipping emails.

I did hear from Jackie afterwards, as I had asked a question last week, and she replied. So I know both my orders where combined, but she didn't refer to me getting 2 emails, and I didn't bother to ask, as I'm fairly sure why it happened. Just remember, 2 email confirmations are better than none! ;)

Did you get express shipping, or standard?

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joseluisjazz said:
mosschops said:
Prometheus said:
I have received my shipping confirmation e-mail, timestamped at 9:32am today. Bizarrely, there was an identical second one timestamped at 9:38am, for no reason I can discern. :P

My original order confirmation came in at 3:31pm BST on September 30th 2008.
no sign of mine yet from 14:51 on the same day!

@mosschops 15:31 BST is 14:31 UTC, you are after Prometheus in the queue.

I got my first confirmation at 14:30 & 47 sec :D But no shipping email yet, this is getting interesting...

that's odd since my email does not state a timezone, i would assume it would show the time in my local timezone, which in september would be BST.

but then i have thought it was tuesday all day today, so anything could be true with regards to times.
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Mine was sent 18:50 BST. Oh why did I hesitate in ordering?!? Curse my confidence!
jumpman said:
Did you get express shipping, or standard?
Royal Mail Special Delivery, so I'll have it tomorrow. :D I can't wait. My SD Cards are all ready, already, so I'll be good to go as soon as it's charged (or charging :P).
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Prometheus said:
jumpman said:
Did you get express shipping, or standard?
Royal Mail Special Delivery, so I'll have it tomorrow. :D I can't wait. My SD Cards are all ready, already, so I'll be good to go as soon as it's charged (or charging :P ).
Yeah, I'm ready as well. 2 32GB patriot sd cards, and I also got a screen protector last week.(I hope it fits).

Mine should be here tommorow as well, but for some reason, 50% of my UPS packages alway end up 1-2 days late, as they always go to the wrong city or state, and have to be re-routed to my city. Happens when I ship out to, a real pain in the arse!

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Prometheus said:
jumpman said:
Did you get express shipping, or standard?
Royal Mail Special Delivery, so I'll have it tomorrow. :D I can't wait. My SD Cards are all ready, already, so I'll be good to go as soon as it's charged (or charging :P ).

Hey, congrats

I don't understand the order they are shipping the pandora's, I had 15:22 BST but no email. :(
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Some folks have received their Pandoras without first having had a shipping confirmation e-mail, so don't give up hope just yet. ;) (Also, thanks. :D)
Prometheus said:
Some folks have received their Pandoras without first having had a shipping confirmation e-mail, so don't give up hope just yet. ;) (Also, thanks. :D )

teehee, just jealous and sitting on a ticking timebomb that is my need to have something new to tinker with that is making eyes at Steve Jobs.
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mosschops said:
Prometheus said:
Some folks have received their Pandoras without first having had a shipping confirmation e-mail, so don't give up hope just yet. ;) (Also, thanks. :D )

teehee, just jealous and sitting on a ticking timebomb that is my need to have something new to tinker with that is making eyes at Steve Jobs.

Turning to the darkside? i have an iphone(it would be better with an icontrolpad(non apple product)), but would never consider an ipad(most pointless gadget i have seen this year)
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Turning to the darkside? i have an iphone(it would be better with an icontrolpad(non apple product)), but would never consider an ipad(most pointless gadget i have seen this year)

well more lavender than dark ;)
It's not about usefulness or pointness or how much use i'd get out of it...

it's just something else to play with and occupy my time since i dont have time sinks like children or one of these "fe-male" things my friends tell me about. I have no doubt if i bought one, i'd jailbreak it try all the cool things. spend some time watching movies and reading ebooks (or more to the point finding where i can obtain them at a "discount price", fiddling and then get bored within 6 months, let it collect dust for 2 and then sell it.

though i have to say, the video of an iphone BT tethered to an ipad playing SNES stuff grapes my squildo
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Prometheus said:
I have received my shipping confirmation e-mail, timestamped at 9:32am today. Bizarrely, there was an identical second one timestamped at 9:38am, for no reason I can discern. :P

My original order confirmation came in at 3:31pm BST on September 30th 2008.
OK that's it... now I'm worried, I've officially been surpassed and I've still not heard anything...
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Well, in fairness, HackModford said his original order confirmation was later than mine, as far as I can tell, and he had his shipping confirmation yesterday. :P (Though I'm not the best at figuring out time-zones, so I might be wrong.)
Still have not received mine yet either and I was timestamped at 15:27 before Prometheus as well. So, either it hasn't gone out yet or my confirmation email is lost somewhere. I guess it depends on how long it takes them to box a unit up and ship. They may not be in exact order when they are checked going out the door and emails are sent. I still have hopes of hearing something today.
Having the rest of today off, but will be shipping some units tonight.

So hopefully that will give others some hope here... I really can't stand being so close and not hearing anything... I really feel like standing in the field and screaming or something. Let me hear something today please please please.
PokeParadox said:

So hopefully that will give others some hope here... I really can't stand being so close and not hearing anything... I really feel like standing in the field and screaming or something. Let me hear something today please please please.

Care to make that a primal scream duet?
30 September 2008 15:33 (BST?) - and no email. Although I did get a nice email from Jacquelyn saying my order will dispatch this week and I'll get a confirmation email at the time, as a result of updating my delivery address...
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Several people got their confirmation well before me, but had timestamps well after me. The fact is, we are all making ourselves crazy over something that is out of our control. Email is not considered time sensitive by any server anywhere. One packet of your email may have been hung up in some server in Cambodia for 20 minutes before it finally made it's way to your ISP's mail servers. The same type of thing probably happened to HackModford's, mine, everybody's. The timestamp might give you a rough estimate as to your position in the queue, but it's totally non-specific as far as who ordered first, or who is ahead of whom in the queue.

I know, I was panicky yesterday, but in retrospect I realize how foolish it was to put so much stock in a unreliable system such as email. My post-mortum advice is to chill. Your email may have already been sent, and is just taking a siesta in Cambodia.
I quite agree with mindlord - I suspect all we can do is use the timestamps as a rough guess, just the same as the queue estimations. :P
PokeParadox said:
Prometheus said:
I have received my shipping confirmation e-mail, timestamped at 9:32am today. Bizarrely, there was an identical second one timestamped at 9:38am, for no reason I can discern. :P

My original order confirmation came in at 3:31pm BST on September 30th 2008.
OK that's it... now I'm worried, I've officially been surpassed and I've still not heard anything...

You're not alone, my order confirmation email from them was at Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 3:18 PM (meaning I ordered a few minutes before that exact time) though I still haven't got a shipping confirmation e-mail, for Exophase.
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I definitely agree that the email is just a rough estimate. It's just that "so close you can almost taste it" syndrome kicking in. :)

Ah well, back to twiddling my thumbs [ which, btw, turns out to be great exercise for future Pandora play. ;) ]