Got My Email!

My Pandora has entered Canada.. Will not be long now... :D

I have a question.. Once I get it, what is it again that the thing is for ? It has been so long, I really forget what the Pandora thing was made to do ?

Does it Toast ?

- Eisner
GizmoTheGreen said:
Ivo said:
Just got my email! I was in the 200-300's at Craigs shop. Sadly i was too cheap back then for UPS so i have a bit of waiting left still... In Sweden aswell, first Pandora heading for Karlstad?

Nope, not from Karlstad, Im from Skåne, would be awesome to organise some kind of celebrating though :P

Well, if you can wait till 3250 is delivered (probably in craig's queue), I can join.. I'm living in Skåne too.
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Zipperwitz said:
Congratulations! It's great to see that units are still getting out. I thought they were expecting to have shipped the latest 200 by yesterday.
Seems like the sequence in which orders were placed isn't the only factor determining how they are being fulfilled (There's still plenty of people from the 30th Sept without confirmation mail).
Can I ask.. did you have to re-pay your order due to OP's credit card problems? Did you do it quickly?

Thank you, yes I did have to re-order via Tranzfers money transfer website. I think it took me a couple of days to get my act together. Well I am living in sydney, so that could explain the date difference. I hardly consider the date stamp on emails to be accurate anyways, is it accurate? My order position is 395-495.

WizardStan said:
That seems highly suspect.

Suspect my ass.
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quartercast said:
I just got my email!

My order was from Craig, confirmed on Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 12:35 AM

I got my confirmation at 30 September 2008 15:39:33 and have no email yet :(

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Rockthesmurf said:
quartercast said:
I just got my email!

My order was from Craig, confirmed on Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 12:35 AM

I got my confirmation at 30 September 2008 15:39:33 and have no email yet :(


Yeah But as quartercast stated that's local time and using the converter in first post thats Sept.30 14:35 UTC.
Mine is 14:54 UTC and no email yet so don't feel bad.
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quartercast said:
WizardStan said:
That seems highly suspect.

Suspect my ass.
I did. As I said, in order for it to be true (or so I thought originally), you'd have had to be on the very tip of the coldest part of Russia where no one really lives, or else they weren't being sent in proper order, hence the suspicion. Looking at the map again, I realize now you might also have been in New Zealand, but apparently they're too busy with orcs or sheep or something to worry about the Pandora, if the picture that was posted to the forum a few weeks back is any indication, so I forgive myself for discounting that possibility. :P
Anywho, the edit I made should have explained I was actually off by two hours, which would have put you in Japan or the eastern part of Australia (although I just said Japan, because my map was already focused that far north looking at Russia), which was a lot more reasonable. Sorry for the confusion.
If you had mentioned the timezone you were in, or given your order time in UTC, we would have avoided the mess entirely though :P
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WizardStan said:
Anywho, the edit I made should have explained I was actually off by two hours, which would have put you in Japan or the eastern part of Australia

I live in Sydney and its time zone is GMT+10 hours.
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Ivo said:
Is it normal to get UPS tracking with airmail?
They seem to be doing Airmail=UPS Standard.Did that for me. I'd actually have preferred airmail over UPS, but whatever. Well, free tracking :P
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We'll i'm not compaining, nice to follow my precious' journey to Sweden.
Eisner said:
My Pandora has entered Canada.. Will not be long now... :D

A fellow Canadian! I got my original "It's shipped" email from OP on June 7...but I just got an email from them with a Canada Post tracking number...looks like my Pandora was held in Customs for 3 or 4 days...but it's been released as of yesterday afternoon (in Mississauga) and on it's way to me now! Assuming it's priority post (hence the tracking number), I hope it's here Friday, or sometime next week. Oh man, so excited!
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EmuGuy said:
looks like my Pandora was held in Customs for 3 or 4 days...but it's been released as of yesterday afternoon (in Mississauga) and on it's way to me now!
Just for clarification, it was only held up in customs, right? They didn't charge you duty? They shouldn't, but you never know sometimes.
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WizardStan said:
EmuGuy said:
looks like my Pandora was held in Customs for 3 or 4 days...but it's been released as of yesterday afternoon (in Mississauga) and on it's way to me now!
Just for clarification, it was only held up in customs, right? They didn't charge you duty? They shouldn't, but you never know sometimes.

I don't know since I don't have it yet, but yes I think it was just held there. I'm pretty much a noob about Customs, but I seem to recall MWeston said a long time ago (sorry no link) that he gets tons of shipments from Craig's shop and if they're under a few hundred bucks, there's no duty, so he didn't think there should be any concern. I think I'm in the same city as him, so I hope I'm in good shape. :unsure: Even if there is, it should only be like sales tax...5, 10% maybe? If I don't get my Pandora this week, I'm on holidays next week (but staying in town), so I'll leave a blank cheque at my work in case it shows up with duty charges. Can't derail the delivery at the very last stage!
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Duty is totally random in the USA and Canada.

In the UK it is much more predictable.

One thing for sure though, if they decide to charge you something (sometimes in the USA a fee for just looking at it!) you will never get the package until the fee is paid.