We are not one and the same or even schizophrenics (well you might be, but I just work with them - I honestly work in a psychiatric unit).
Hahahaha... :lol: I just said that we seem to have similar tastes in games! (And, no, I'm not.
I'm probably going to be flamed... badly... for this, but... erm...
Super Mario 64.
I honestly just can't enjoy this game.[...]
You are not the only one. My reasons are different to yours, but I don't like it either.
I just plain don't find it, or its descendents, fun at all. It's fiddly to play, full of sparse environments with no real action, its goals are not interesting to me (find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, find a star, over and over again is not appealing to me - it's as boring to me as reading this repetitive bracketed sentence is for the rest of you
), and uses a number of aggravating bits of padding in order to lengthen the game - such as repeating each stage a ton of times to go on different dull-as-ditchwater scavenger-hunts instead of the previous ones, that stupid Wet/Dry World, and having to get absolutely every samey MacGuffin in order to get... what was it again? Some boring message on the roof? Anyway, it's not for me because I don't enjoy it, plain and simple.
At the time, I tried very, very hard to force myself to like it, because I was still a child and still a bit gullible about the press and really believed that reviewers knew their stuff, and thus swallowed the claims that games like it were "the future" and thus should automatically be loved without question. As I got older, I realised that reviewers talk a load of bunk and that it was stupid to force myself to play and try to like games that I don't enjoy.
It's pretty horrible the sorts of reactions you'll get if you say that you don't enjoy this game and give your reasons why, so it's always interesting to see (apart from looking at how it's been dwarfed in sales by many games that came before and after it, bearing in mind that demo units were *everywhere* back in the day) someone else who also doesn't get on with it.
The irony is that the Master System remake of Sonic 1 has none of these flaws, so I enjoy it much more than the would-be-superior Genesis version. In fact, the Master System version of Sonic 1 is one of my favorite games.
You may want to give the Game Gear version a look, as it is a further refined and polished version of the same game as the Master System version (not to a *gigantic* degree, but some of the bosses are different, the vertical waterfall stage in Jungle Zone has been fixed up a bit and made a bit fairer, and the visuals have been cleaned up some, for example).