Good Comics...


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2005
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Howdy people,

I'm getting more into comics and wanted to hear any of your recommendations. I'm looking for dark, or heavily plot based comics. Wether it's japanese (manga) or western, I don't care.
Preferely those that are also released in TPB/hardcover form or those that aren't overly long.

Some of the ones I really liked are V for Vendetta, Frank Miller's work, Masamune Shirow's comics (Ghost in the shell, appleseed, ...), Battle Royale, Lament of the Lamb, Thorgal, Storm (Last two originated from France so I don't know if any of you've heard of it), ...

Thanks in advance.

Reason I'm asking is because I just got some money and want to expand my collection.
Storm was that astronaut guy, who ended up in post watercalypse Earth?

Watchmen is great. Hellsing is great. Most Blueberries are great. (Jean Giraud's work.)

But, seems to me, that most of the great european comic artists are either retired or dead...
Greetings Draken!

I too am a big fan of Comics and like to collect them in TPB form. If you havent checked them out yet , you should try Neil Gaimen's Sandman Series. They are incredibly good and all of the 75 comics in the original series are available in tpb. The sandman series is one of the only comic series ever to attain high literary awards, and the introductions to the tpb's are written by such literary giants as Clive Barker, Stephen King and the like. They represent the high water mark of the genre. I have them all, and recommend them wholeheartedly. In sequential order they are:

The Sandman:

Preludes and Nocturnes [TPB] issues 1-8
The Dolls House [TPB] issues 8-16
Dream Country [TPB] issues 17-20
Season of Mysts [TPB] issues 21-28
A Game of You [TPB] issues 32-37
Fables and Reflections [TPB] issues- Preview 01,Special 01,29,30,31,38,39,40,50
Brief Lives [TPB] issues 41-49
Worlds End [TPB] issues 51-56
The Kindly Ones [TPB] issues 57-69
The Wake [TPB] issues 70-75

This is the whole core story ark. But there were a number of Spin off tpb's that coincide with, or deal with the other character's storys in this series:

The Sandman: Dream Hunters [TPB]
The Sandman: Endless Nights [TPB]

The Sandman Presents: The Furies [TPB]
The Sandman Presents: Taller Tales [TPB]

The Dreaming: Through the Gates of Horn And Ivory [TPB]
The Dreaming: Beyond The Shores of Night [TPB]

The Books of Faerie [TPB]
The Books of Faerie: Auberon's Tale [TPB]

DEATH: The High Cost of Living [TPB]
DEATH: The Time Of Your Life [TPB]
DEATH: At Deaths Door. [TPB]

And There are at least 2 spinoff series that I know of; Books of Magic and Lucifer:

The Books of Magic:

The Books of Magic [TPB]
Bindings [TPB]
Summonings [TPB]
Reckonings [TPB]
Transformations [TPB]
Girl in the Box [TPB]
The Burning Girl [TPB]
Death after Death [TPB]


Devil in the Gateway [TPB]
Children and Monsters [TPB]
A Dalliance With the Damned [TPB]
The Divine Comedy [TPB]
Inferno [TPB]
Mansions of Silence [TPB]
Exodux [TPB]
Wolf Beneath the Tree [TPB]
Crux [TPB]
Morningstar [TPB]

I'm sure you'll like any of these series, They are listed in sequential order because they do have some long story ark elements.

Cheers! :D
Apparantly we share a lot of interests, Morpheus. :P

That sounds great. I don't know the actual comicseries but I'll get the first tpb (and continue on afterwards) if I can find it in our comicstore. (finally found a decent one with a wide variety of choice. Got the first ones of Lone wolf and Cub there too) Otherwise I'll just get them of Ebay.

Jarska333 posted on Oct 11 2006 at 11:58 PM said:
Storm was that astronaut guy, who ended up in post watercalypse Earth?

Watchmen is great. Hellsing is great. Most Blueberries are great. (Jean Giraud's work.)

But, seems to me, that most of the great european comic artists are either retired or dead...

Yeah, that's the one. You're right, it's quite a shame. Soon, the last comic album of Thorgal will be released too.
Didn't know Watchmen either but apparantly it's written by Alan Moore, so I'll look for it too.
I have a few Blueberries but didn't quite like it. I also have the first album of Hellsing and didn't like it either, although I later quite enjoyed the cartoon of it.

Thanks for the suggestions.
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Draken said:
Apparantly we share a lot of interests, Morpheus. :P

That sounds great. I don't know the actual comicseries but I'll get the first tpb (and continue on afterwards) if I can find it in our comicstore. (finally found a decent one with a wide variety of choice. Got the first ones of Lone wolf and Cub there too) Otherwise I'll just get them of Ebay. ]

Thats how I started out on the series myself.

I was online several years ago, and another user asked me if I took my name "Morpheus-384" from the Sandman comic series; or the Matrix Movies. I had to tell him that it was from neither; and that I'd never even heard of the Sandman Comics. He raved about how good the series was, so I got the first one, "Preludes and Nocturnes" and was instantly hooked.

Then, I won an Ebay auction for all 10 books for $83.00US (4 hardcover and 6 tpb)-what a deal!

Its what started me as a tpb collector. Now I have over 50 in my collection (just counted) and am always looking for new good ones. I havent read the Sin City or the V is for Vendetta, but I did like the movies which were 2 of the must haves on my GP2X, but I saw them in my local comics shop today, and they're next on the list along with Watchmen which was also there.~~~~~Thanx for the tips guys! :D
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