Going K-K-Korean Krazy

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Quite simply put, I want to be able to play Mill, ASR, and now Wanne be mage, in English. My suggestion is for the developers, instead of making all new SMC games for English versions, why not just put the files for download on JoyGP or something like that, And if anybody has any working patches, or if they exist for Mill or ASR, let me know, because I'll definitely be buying them if there is a chance of them being in English.
It is obviously not meant that way.

Anyway...this is something that I think we all want, but are unlikely to get :(
my korean friend is trying to get a job with gamepark right now for translating software. his chances are looking good.. so i wish him the best of luck with that...
WOW Goddess Saga looks amazing! when is it coming out? and about translating ive seen the ISOs floating around edonkey and whatnot couldnt you take the ISO and translate it since some are unpacked ZPKs? Does it make it possible for a independent translation?
WOW Goddess Saga looks amazing! when is it coming out? and about translating ive seen the ISOs floating around edonkey and whatnot couldnt you take the ISO and translate it since some are unpacked ZPKs? Does it make it possible for a independent translation?
Sure GSaga is ABSOLUTLY HYPER AWESOME ;) moreover it's a Tactical RPG so u can excpect long days of games :rolleyes: I'm waiting him DEAD ! Concerning the release date , it's currently "fall this year" , which means before 2004 ... in Korea of course :(
but in any cases, once again HOURA for Team Eternity :wub:

Currently it don't got translations for the main Korean games we quote b4... I think u saw many fake on edonkey ;)
if there would be some independant translator who would make it, then they would become so well known at once by release such "patch" ;)
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no i didnt see translated ISos on edonkey i saw the original games couldnt they take the ISO which is korean and translate it to english? wouldnt it be like translating any other rom?
Ermm... an ISO is a raw-format for a CD...
What the heck do any CDs have to do with the GP32??
An ISO is an image of a CD, and the SMC is treated just like a drive, so it's not a major leap of logic to apply the name ISO to an SMC image...

Even if it's inaccurate - .ISO stands for ISO-9660 which in turn stands for International Standards Organisation 9660. Meaning a specified standard. ISO in the case of an image of an SMC falls at the first hurdle. It isn't an image of a CD. But that won't stop people using a handy phrase *almost* designed for the job.
I Showed a friend of mine ASR and it blew him away, he is currently in cahoots with another group of translators who have done mostly snes games (I'll leave it at that). Hes ordering his copy of gp32 and asr as we speak- I let him play my copy for a day and he says the story is cool but seem a little more political than typical stratagy/rpg. a little more for adults, he kept saying. Damnit, I wish I spoke a 3rd language :( Anyway, Hes excited about ASR and who knows, we may just see a translation. I'll keep prodding him to do it. But I agree, there should also be a serious push for localization.

Not sure- but I think they mentioned game Park already having an english version of ASR, but are sitting on it for some odd reason. :huh: - Talk about a hard tease.

Gamepark are silly. If they put an English version of ASR on JoyGP almost every gp32 owner would buy it.......... It would be so good...