Gnu Robbo V0.61


Still Fresh
Jun 20, 2007
Hello :)

I have spent some of my spare time over the last 18 months gradually updating the project GNU Robbo, and I hope that you enjoy the GP2X build that I am presenting to you here.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a pre-sound release; sound and a level designer being the last two features required to finalise this project. These features will follow at a later date.




GNU Robbo is a free open source reimplementation of LK Avalon's Robbo for the Atari XE/XL from the late 1980s. The gameplay of the original is faithfully reproduced with a few modifications :-
  • Lives has been removed and suicide replaced with level restart
  • Scoring has been removed: goal is level advancement
  • Bear logic has been enhanced: fixed endlessly spinning bears
  • Graphical skin support: Original and Tronic skins
  • Support for different locales: English and Polish translations
  • 56 levels converted from Robbo VI
  • 15 levels converted from Robbo VII
  • 32 levels converted from Robbo VIII
  • 32 levels converted from Robbo IX
  • Newly created unique level pack end-screens
  • In-game help
  • Reconfigurable options and controls
  • Support for keyboards, analogue and digital joysticks

Sourceforge Download Page

For more information please visit the official GNU Robbo website here -> Sourceforge Home Page

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GNU Robbo is a free open source reimplementation of QXLand's Robbo for the Atari XE/XL from the late 1980s. The gameplay of the original is faithfully reproduced with a few modifications :-

  • Some mistakes in here, i would like to correct

    Originally Robbo was developed for Atari XL/XE by LK.Avalon software in 1989, and then re-ported by new-formed XLand software company to PC in 1992.
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Thanks. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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For me is a nice game..thank's to Thanor

There only one things to change ...the button for exit (X) i will change it to Select or Home (Start on F100 )..becouse is easy to touch that button in game...and is irritating...

Anyway is a good work ...
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'StreaK' said:
Originally Robbo was developed for Atari XL/XE by LK.Avalon software in 1989, and then re-ported by new-formed XLand software company to PC in 1992.
Thanks StreaK for the correction, and thanks everybody for the feedback :)

The GP2X control layout is what I found best for me over a long period of development and so became the default, but the controls are completely reconfigurable anyway.

I should of pointed out that you can underclock this to 80MHz to save your batteries.

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'Thunor' said:
Thanks StreaK for the correction, and thanks everybody for the feedback :)
No prob.
Back in the days , when i firste came up in gp2x scene [ mid 2007 ], i was preparing some graphics for gnu robbo [ ripped graph form robbo pc ] but after unsuccessful tries of compilation this for gp2x, the project was dropped by me.

Excellent work. I really love polish accents in worldwide gp2x scene , :)
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Thanks Thunor for this great game, I didn't know Robbo and I like it a lot now :)

Bye, Magic Sam
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'StreaK' said:
No prob.
Back in the days , when i firste came up in gp2x scene [ mid 2007 ], i was preparing some graphics for gnu robbo [ ripped graph form robbo pc ] but after unsuccessful tries of compilation this for gp2x, the project was dropped by me.

Excellent work. I really love polish accents in worldwide gp2x scene , :)
I tried the DOS version a while back. Graphically it's been enhanced yes, but I didn't play it much because I think I remember the levels being no different.

I ported this to the Zaurus in 2005 and I had a lot of problems modifying the code to fit a regular 320x240 / 640x480 resolution, so I can understand your difficulties. That part of the program has now been rewritten.

Arkadiusz Lipiec, the creator of the GNU Robbo project is Polish so that's why it comes with a Polish translation :) There's an Austrian guy currently translating to German and I'd like to get a Spanish one done too, so any Spaniards want to translate and get credited in the Options screen, download the source and send me the text files.

For Magic Sam and others who have never heard of this game before, it's because it's Polish and I don't think originally it ventured any further. StreaK would be more knowledgeable on this.

Anyway, there'll be some updates for it in the future, and thanks for playing :)

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Will try this out and get some feedback for you as soon as I have internet again :) I like games like this!
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Today i was testing my updated DosBox Blast! for GP2X [ dosbox config ] and i needed to check it on some game, obvious pick was ROBBO for PC. After running ROBBO on gp2x in dosbox 0.72, im pretty impressed. Its almost fullspeed without the sound and clock cycle=1000. Heres video i made tonight :)

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'Magic Sam' said:
Thanks Thunor for this great game, I didn't know Robbo and I like it a lot now :)

Bye, Magic Sam
Same here, I've known about this game but now it's gotta be played on when my GP2X is on. :)
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Hello again

An updated version of GNU Robbo has just been released. It's not a major release but I'm sure there are some modifications that gamers will be interested in.

0.62 Changes for all platforms/devices:
  • Created Sharp Zaurus Sharp ROM ipk
  • Added option to save rcfile on change for battery powered devices
  • Modified the exploding bomb to be more similar to Atari Robbo
  • Added pixmap fonts and the option to use them over SDL_ttf
  • Swedish translation added by Niklas 'Nille' Åkerström
  • Slovak translation added by Viliam Búr
  • German translation added by Chris Zeiler
The GP2X build now uses a crisper/faster UTF-8 pixmap font. You can now choose to save more regularly and if you are German, Swedish or Slovakian then you don't have to play in English :)

For the moment you can download it from the Sourceforge project page HERE. Later on today I'll update the GP2X archive.

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'Tag5' said:
Will be getting this updated version later! :D
I think I should mention before anyone deletes their existing game folder that inside it is a file called .gnurobborc which contains your level pack progress and modified options. PLEASE back this up first and then copy it into the newly extracted game folder :)

Copying the contents of the newly extracted folder into the existing folder would be fine as .gnurobborc is not included with the package, it's created only if it's not found to exist. The new version though doesn't need the robbo.ttf TrueType fonts in the skins so if you upgrade this way you can save yourself some SD space by deleting them.

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