Gngeo2x Cannot Open Anything....cuts Out

  • Thread starter Thread starter sausage dog
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sausage dog

OK, I am hoping to get this thing going by the end of the day but need help.

So far.....
1) I have extracted and installed the gngeo folder onto the memory card

2) I have placed the BIOS files into the rom directory

aes-bios.bin, vs-bios.rom, usa_2slt.bin, asia-s3.rom, sp-s2.sp1, sfix.sfx 000-lo.lo

3) I have placed the Blazing Star (zipped file from latest mame) into the roms file.

Now, everytime I start the thing up and select the game it just cuts out and goes back to the GP2x main selection menu.

I am thinking wrong ROM or wrong BIOS version?

Help me
If I were you I'd try another rom, preferably an actual NEO GEO AES one. Some of the later MAME roms will work, but from what you state it sounds more like a problem with the game than the actual emu, good luck, H.G.
OK, got a proper rom but still it will not load the game.

When I try to open the gpgeo2x file it cuts to the GP2X selction screen

Same with the front end

I don't have a clue what is going on
Blazing Star needs the gfx to be dumped to a seperate file. The latest version should do that automatically but it be worth trying to do it manually yourself on the PC.
OK, I now have a dumpgfx.gz file for doing this but cannot open the file.

Any tips?
Not even puzzle de pon works.....just cuts to the GP2X menu screen??
problem half solved..

THE ROMRC had corrupted so it could not identify the bios

Now i just need to dump gfx...