Gles Multitexture Working?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2009

just a quick question... yesterday i gave multitexturing a quick try, but i only get garbage on the second texture unit. is this a known bug or has anyone else got this problem?

thx :)
did some more testing, seems it's not working - neither with fw1.1 opengles lib nor with fw1.2. textures get activated correctly but the texture coordinates are just a mess ... bummer.

is there any way to get those bugs fixed by GPH? i assume there's now way ... but i still can ask ;)
i dont think sample code makes much sense because it would be taken out of the middle from the audiorace game engine...

it's pretty straight forward using glClientActiveTexture to activate the texture unit, then glTexCoordPointer with pointer to my texture coord array and then enabling glEnableClientState for texcoords. i also tried activating the same texture coordinates and the same texture from the first texture unit on the second (setting the glTexEnv to GL_REPLACE) -- all i get is garbage.

i implemented gl's spheremap texgen in software and for the effect i need the second texture unit to be working. if don't rely on it, it would just a nice little visual enhancement for the next game release.

the odd thing about this - reading GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS returns a value of 2... but in fact only 1 is working.

btw ... on my homegrown windows test platform with the same calls it works just as it should...