Beta Gles Convienience Framework

Sorry for the gravedig, but I found this useful and thought I'd post a quick bugfix users can do. On line 277, "True" should actually be "False". Thanks for this framework, nice to be able to just get to the fun coding rather than worrying about set-up stuff.

Edit: Sorry, I should have specified that line is in support.c.
wermy: can you explain this a bit more in detail, since line #'s are likely to change (:%!indent -kr -ts4 -) and so on .. what does the fix do, and whats the result?
torpor said:
wermy: can you explain this a bit more in detail, since line #'s are likely to change (:%!indent -kr -ts4 -) and so on .. what does the fix do, and whats the result?

Sure. :)

This is in the keyboard event handling, where the __keys[] array (which holds the states of all the keys) is being updated. Currently, a key is set to True on both a KeyPress and KeyRelease event, which of course it should be set to False in stead on a KeyRelease.
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I might be missing something here but where is the download... I'm actually interested in giving this thing some use in one of my beginner gles projects.
I removed it as no one was interested in contributing to the source - several people have previously reported a know bug and made no attempt to post a fix, there have been no post's suggesting or donating source to improve it

The framework is no longer publicly maintained and is circulated through a small circle of friends.
chris_c said:
I removed it as no one was interested in contributing to the source - several people have previously reported a know bug and made no attempt to post a fix, there have been no post's suggesting or donating source to improve it

The framework is no longer publicly maintained and is circulated through a small circle of friends.
Then start circulating mate... ;)
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