Hi, I am trying to write Battleship for the pandora. I have experience with 3D graphics only using java and jmonkeyengine. So far ive got a text version of the game with AI finished in c++. I downloaded the opengl es SDK and looking over the code I have some questions, all the training course examples run in a 640x480 window how do I change it to 800x480? also Im not quite sure how to incorporate the text version with the graphics, do I need seperate threads to keep cpu and gpu calls seperate? The examples all extend the PVRShell class and have 5 functions in common, InitApplication(); InitView(); ReleaseView(); QuitApplication(); and RenderScene(); which leaves me wondering where I put my game code? sry for newb questions :unsure: im just learning c++
edit: I think the resolution problem is a bug, the -qaf option works but the -fullscreen and -width and stuff dont work I always get a 640x480 window, Im using Ubuntu 8.04
edit: I think the resolution problem is a bug, the -qaf option works but the -fullscreen and -width and stuff dont work I always get a 640x480 window, Im using Ubuntu 8.04