Getting Rise Of The Triad To Work


Still Fresh
Dec 10, 2005
Can anyone help me get rise of the triad for the Wiz to work? I think i got the main game file (whats the name and extension so i can be sure?), but where to i put everything? Do i create a folder in "game" folder or what? Where do the data files and the main game file go? Ive put the data file (from the wiz archive site) into a folder named ROTT then i put the game file in the "dark something" folder and still didnt work. Can someone just give me a run down on where everything goes and also the file name and extension of the main game file? Thank you all!
into a folder named ROTT then i put the game file in the "dark something" folder and still didnt work. Can someone just give me a run down on where everything goes and also the file name and extension of the main game file? Thank you all!
Put everything in one folder, but use the right rott binary.

Full version
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 162646 1995-02-15 12:20 darkwar.rtc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 408100 1995-02-15 12:20 darkwar.rtl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 14610173 1995-02-15 12:20 darkwar.wad
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 12548 1995-02-15 12:20 demo1_3.dmo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 17468 1995-02-15 12:20 demo2_3.dmo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 54258 1995-02-15 12:20 huntbgin.rtc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 103316 1995-02-15 12:20 huntbgin.rtl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 110484 1995-02-15 12:20 remote1.rts
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 1994788 2009-05-08 22:13 rott
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 66 2009-05-02 20:35 rott.gpe

Shareware version
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 27028 2009-04-30 23:11 demo1_3.dmo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 34360 2009-04-30 23:11 demo2_3.dmo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 47704 2009-04-30 23:11 demo3_3.dmo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 36412 2009-04-30 23:11 demo4_3.dmo
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 54258 2009-04-30 23:11 huntbgin.rtc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 103316 2009-04-30 23:12 huntbgin.rtl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 6436871 2009-04-30 23:12 huntbgin.wad
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 110484 2009-04-30 23:12 remote1.rts
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 1820999 2009-05-08 22:25 rottshare
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pickle root 72 2009-05-03 19:55 rottshare.gpe
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HeWhoCorrupts posted on May 20 2009 at 07:47 AM said:
I have the files from the archive, is that all I need? Because it seems I am missing some. Is Wolfenstein the same way? As is do I need files frmo elsewhere to get the ones from the archives to work?
you need the data files also and those do not come in the zip
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where do you get the data files from to run rott? ,as i really like the look of this game saw the vid on youtube and it looked great ,
darthmiike posted on May 22 2009 at 06:18 PM said:
where do you get the data files from to run rott? ,as i really like the look of this game saw the vid on youtube and it looked great ,
You need to have the original game or you can pirate it through torrents or if your have and aversion to pirating I can send you the a winzip with the necessary files.
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Console_Master posted on May 22 2009 at 07:58 PM said:
darthmiike posted on May 22 2009 at 06:18 PM said:
where do you get the data files from to run rott? ,as i really like the look of this game saw the vid on youtube and it looked great ,
You need to have the original game or you can pirate it through torrents or if your have and aversion to pirating I can send you the a winzip with the necessary files.
thought it was a freeware title strange that you have to buy it ,diddnt mean to get anyone in trouble :o
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darthmiike posted on May 22 2009 at 07:01 PM said:
Console_Master posted on May 22 2009 at 07:58 PM said:
darthmiike posted on May 22 2009 at 06:18 PM said:
where do you get the data files from to run rott? ,as i really like the look of this game saw the vid on youtube and it looked great ,
You need to have the original game or you can pirate it through torrents or if your have and aversion to pirating I can send you the a winzip with the necessary files.
thought it was a freeware title strange that you have to buy it ,diddnt mean to get anyone in trouble :o
No it was made by apogee (3D Realms) way back in the day. So technically it is abandon ware at this point in time. The files you download are bassily the engine for it you need the wad files (the actual game data) to play it. and don't worry you didn't get any one in trouble. :D
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Lafazar posted on May 22 2009 at 11:02 PM) Legal source for the game (6$ said:
Good old Games (DRM-free, you may download as many times as you wish, once you purchase it):
3D realms (don't know how long their shop will still be around, so I recommend

thanx got rott sorted up and running fine ,just hope some crazy person takes it upon themselves to port the blood games over to the wiz they rocked ,
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I got this game to run fine with the above files, but does the music play?
I've turned the music volume right up, but still nothing.
Does it work with the timidity fix?
Thanks for another excellent port. (All we need now is Duke 3D and Hexen/Heretic ported!)

Edit: YES, the timidity fix does work. I just copied the timidity.cfg from prboom and I've now got music. :D
Where can I get the needed wad files for this game?
I have the original game(not the cd) but I can't seem to find these files anywhere.
I've downloaded the games source files and still no luck. Any help would be appreciated!!!

Nevermind, I finally got it working.
Here it is, the reason I purchased a Wiz: Rise Of The Triad! The game and it's source cost less than seven dollars. Pickle had already ported RotT so I thought of playing my favorite shooter on the go... and it's so close. There is not a config file for key remapping. This has been brought up before, I know, but it isn't just the right shoulder button that cannot be mapped but the x, vol up, and vol down buttons as well. This game could play so perfectly with some flexibility in the controls.

Clearly, Pickle is one of the more occupied community members as he has coded and ported some wonderful things. Unfortunately, while he has seen that the button issue exists, the priority for this project now is so low that I wouldn't ever expect him to return to it. When the English SDK is released will I be able to compile the freely available source myself? What is being used to compile these ports currently? GCC?

Others have mentioned buying the 3DRealms dlc RotT with source. It comes with level packs other than Hunt Begins and Darkwar. Custom levels like Wolf3D.rtl and Ohio.rtl are of particular interest to me. Can anyone help describe how to build a gpe for the other level packs?
liveunderwater said:
Here it is, the reason I purchased a Wiz: Rise Of The Triad! The game and it's source cost less than seven dollars. Pickle had already ported RotT so I thought of playing my favorite shooter on the go... and it's so close. There is not a config file for key remapping. This has been brought up before, I know, but it isn't just the right shoulder button that cannot be mapped but the x, vol up, and vol down buttons as well. This game could play so perfectly with some flexibility in the controls.

Clearly, Pickle is one of the more occupied community members as he has coded and ported some wonderful things. Unfortunately, while he has seen that the button issue exists, the priority for this project now is so low that I wouldn't ever expect him to return to it. When the English SDK is released will I be able to compile the freely available source myself? What is being used to compile these ports currently? GCC?

Others have mentioned buying the 3DRealms dlc RotT with source. It comes with level packs other than Hunt Begins and Darkwar. Custom levels like Wolf3D.rtl and Ohio.rtl are of particular interest to me. Can anyone help describe how to build a gpe for the other level packs?

The inflexibility is to provide the ability to use most of the features. Review the complete control mappings:

Dpad does arrow keys, the right shoulder can be used as a modifier to generate different keys :period,comma,pageup,pagedown
Up and Down can also be mod'd with X to be SDLK_HOME and SDLK_END

Right Shoulder wasnt mappable seen it drives those mappings with the dpad. It could be possible to have right shoulder do something when the dpad isnt pressed.

GP2X_BUTTON_X is nothing (its a modifier)
GP2X_BUTTON_Y is SDLK_1-SDLK_4 (weapon change)
GP2X_BUTTON_VOLDOWN is volume down
GP2X_BUTTON_VOLUP is volume up
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Pickle said:
The inflexibility is to provide the ability to use most of the features. Review the complete control mappings:

Dpad does arrow keys, the right shoulder can be used as a modifier to generate different keys :period,comma,pageup,pagedown
Up and Down can also be mod'd with X to be SDLK_HOME and SDLK_END

Right Shoulder wasnt mappable seen it drives those mappings with the dpad. It could be possible to have right shoulder do something when the dpad isnt pressed.

GP2X_BUTTON_X is nothing (its a modifier)
GP2X_BUTTON_Y is SDLK_1-SDLK_4 (weapon change)
GP2X_BUTTON_VOLDOWN is volume down
GP2X_BUTTON_VOLUP is volume up

Well, knowing that shifts had been setup is incredibly helpful. Setting up controls for this game should be a breeze now. I apologize, I must have missed the file listing those bindings (I haven't setup an ide or anything, hence my other questions here). I'm sure the only other related thread never actually got as thorough an answer as this one.

While I have the chance, Thank You Pickle for your porting expertise.

Did I also miss the method to play the extra RotT levels?
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