Thank you guys...
I emptied the left Link List Pane and put in the line
Jabberwocky said.
I also changed the INCLUDE statements as
yaustar indicated.
Okay here's the latest:
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PROJECTS\SDL_test\sdltest.cpp:536: error: 'BACK_LIGHT_OFF' was not declared in this scope
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PROJECTS\SDL_test\sdltest.cpp:536: error: 'SDL_SYS_JoystickGp2xSys' was not declared in this scope
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PROJECTS\SDL_test\sdltest.cpp:536: error: 'BACK_LIGHT_ON' was not declared in this scope
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PROJECTS\SDL_test\sdltest.cpp:537: error: 'BATT_LED_ON' was not declared in this scope
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PROJECTS\SDL_test\sdltest.cpp:537: error: 'SDL_SYS_JoystickGp2xSys' was not declared in this scope
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\PROJECTS\SDL_test\sdltest.cpp:537: error: 'BATT_LED_OFF' was not declared in this scope
:: === Build finished: 6 errors, 0 warnings ===
Clearly, much farther along.
Alex: Because I'm friends with
PokeParadox and I'd prefer to use the same development environment as him if at all possible. Keeps down on the issues when sharing code. I could be wrong on this but I remember in the early 90's moving from Borland C to ... whatever the free plain text C was at the time, and then early MS C, was odd. The compilers literally operated differently on things like how they handled and ended files. Again, perhaps I'm way out dated, but these compilers I'm setting up now remind me of those days so I figured "Get CodeBlocks working." Correct me if I'm wrong.
yaustar said:
The tutorials on installing a toolchain and IDE (plus a few details on the joystick etc) as given on the Wiki is all that is needed. The rest is up to the individual learning to program.
Oh I agree completely that programming should be the hard part. Half the class failed "Beginning C". After "Beginning C" in college, half the class failed "Intermediate C". By now I thought "We're the crem-de-la-crem! We're programmers." Then in "Advanced C++", half the class failed.
However, I don't think I should still be kicking around with getting a development environment up, nor that every new GP2X programmer need reinvent the wheel every time he's trying to figure out "How do I display a graphic / play a sound / access the frame buffer?" Some of those things are specific to a GP2X.
But I hear what you are saying. None programmers need not apply.
PS - I got straight A's in those courses he he he.