Getting a decent AC adapter ...


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2003
Hi guys,

I am trying to get hold of a decent AC adapter for my GP32.
I tried to different Gameboy Color ones, changing the polarity.

Well, unit 1 crashes my GP as soon as any Code os started from
Pacrom, but has a nice picture until then.

Unit number 2 gives me really annoying rythmic screen flicker.
Looks like interferences running through the screen.

A 3rd adapter, which is a multi-one with different switchable
voltages etc., gives me the same as unit 2, screen flicker.

So, any recommendations? And, even worse: I have to be able
to buy it in Germany.

Hey mate,

I just buyd myself one today and it works great.
You should use/buy a stabilized power adaptor with a minimum of 250 mA

I don't think the brand will matter, but here's mine: Alecto GS-300
A local store ... Not anywhere near Germany ;)

But just go to a normal store where electrical stuff is sold.

Those adaptors aren't really hard to find, just remember to ask for a stabilized one.

You'll find one and if you're not entirely sure, just bring your gp32 along and test it in the store, that will teach them :D

Good luck mate
how much mA do i need if i want to operate a flu one and run a prog at 166mhz, (worst case senerio but it can happen)
Thanks for all the info ...

I use a 300mA one (the one that flickers cause it is not stabilized),
and that lets me run my FLU with 156 MHz, at least at GPEngine and
SNESEmu 156. SNES9xGP crashes though at 156.

166 with GPEngine crashes right away. :( Hope a better adapter
will solve this, although 156 is already fine.

I can do 156 and 1 66 fine and thats when im using batteries so a new adapter wont help.

But i think the reason why the light flickers is the FLU drags more mA so you will need a stronger mA adapter a 800mA would do fine dont know about a 500mA might be good but what u should do is check with the place your buying it from.

ask them to demo it for you they should do it for ya :)
