Genesis Rpgs


Virtual Boy
Jan 23, 2004
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now that the new version FGens32 has been released i will start playing genesis.
what are the best rpgs for it.
i didn't play video games untill n64 came out
Its hard to say which are the best ones because there wasnt very many!

Some that I can remember are:
Sword of Vermillion
Shining Force 1 & 2
Phantasy Star 2 & 3 & 4
D&D Warriors Eternal Sun (kinda like Ultima)
Super Hydlide
Shining in the Darkness
Land Stalker

Gauntlet 4
Populous 2

Although those last three are not RPG's in the common sense...
Landstalker... now that was a great game. Shining Force 1 was good. The sequel was better but both were fun to play. Shadowrun is kind of an RPG but I love it even though I dont know how to classify it :D Phantasy Star 4 was fantastic and rivals Final Fantasy 3 in my opinion. So many memories... wish I had a lot of free time to get reaquainted.
Don't forget Soleil (Zelda style clone) and Beyond Oasis (great action-rpg ) and Light Crusader.

The first three phantasy stars just were crap to me.... I played for 5 minutes then smashed a bat through the monitor... j/k ;)
i tried playing number 1 on my gp32 and they mos def suck
so i loaded 4 on it and it wont load
so as of right now im pissed
but i still love the emu
it is very good
all we need now is sound
I loved beyond oasis(action rpg) and shining force 2(turn based tactical grid rpg). In my opinion those whhere the best foor the system. Shining force 2 really was amazing you could create a full army of charctors and the way they level up and look diffrnet was really cool too.
I didnt really like the first 3 phantasy star games. #2 was just boring after ten minutes, #3 took forever to walk around in, but #4 was just right for making a fantastic RPG. The music in it is some of the best for the Genesis.
Master of Monsters is supposed to be pretty cool actually (worst..title screen.. ever!!) i am not sure how much RPG it is and how much strategy game, but I have always wanted to check it out...
To my knowledge, Crusaders of Centy and Soleil are the same game, just European/US nams for it. Same with Beyond Oasis and Story of Thor.

There's a fair few RPGs available for the genesis, but all but about 12 of them are in Japanse. Have a look down the list of screenshots at to search for the things (or for any game for that matter). No roms - but screenies are very useful when deciding from a stance of ignorance entire what to play.