Gbax Related


Still Fresh
Jan 30, 2004
I noticed selling brand new neo-geo pockets for 7.99 each, i wanna get one but cannot find any games compatiblke with the greyscale version.. only colour,. :blink: i got plenty of roms 4 my gp32 but can u get flash carts 4 neo geo's or any websites selling origonal games?
Yes it is hard to tell sometimes, its a little like the GB/C situation.

I'm working on getting some old games, puzzle bobble etc. and also on getting NGPC + games.

EDIT: the unit does actually come with a few things built in, a calender, organiser, music, fortune teller etc.

the first generation of NGPC games worked on the old black and white machines, i guess NeoGeo were worried it'd isolate the B&W users, but eventually having to store two palletes to allow compatiblity became a pain in the ass and they decided just to whack some "Color Only" mention on the box.

personally i wouldn't bother with the black and white machines, you can get brand new colour ones for £24 on ebay (still boxed and sealed), even gamestation do a pretty ok NGPC bundle with 7 games for about £60.
£60 is pretty expensive for the 7 game bundle if you're in the US. You can get it for $80 on Play-Asia, and you can get just the NGPC for $40 on NCSX. They also sell slimlines for only $65.
NGPC's will be a similar price to playasia etc.

Games will be around $5 - $10

Might get some other stuff too, wonderswan etc. it all takes a long time to track down.
