Gamescom 2024

wow that's a lot of retro gamers. actually i think retro gaming would eventually become more popular than current gaming. which is why some game companies (nintendo) are aggressively taking down rom & emulator sites. they are destroying art and culture for profit. ok - i guess they own the IP but it feels like a book burning.
The problem is retro gaming will cease to move forward, because the past consoles like PS3, PS4, or Nintendo Wii U will always have amazing graphics, which means they'll never look old or retro.
When retro gaming happens via emulator on pc's it's difficult to gauge the scale. But when companies like Anbernic report having sold 500'000 handhelds Sony, Nintendo, et al take notice. The truth is I don't have a switch because I prefer my hacked wii. Clamping down on rom sites is happening but might not be enough for the corporate overlords. Anbernic is precipitating the decline of retro gaming.
Copyright was introduced supposedly to improve culture, and now you are using copyright as an excuse for impoverishing culture.

I guess retrogaming is popular, Gameboys are getting expensive. Newer Gameboy clones are bad too, none have a screen as good or better than the GBC has.
There are a few companies making aftermarket screens and such for all gameboy models except the micro.
I consider video games to be about the highest art form. They are usually made by small companies consisting of super creative and passionate people. The art is for profit and I think that´s ok - and there must be IP - at least because developers deserve to get paid. And gaming is actually affordably to most which is good. Better than art commissioned by the elite for the elite - not us peasants, which is how it's been historically.
I consider video games to be about the highest art form.
I think this too, also because most of the time them are an aggregation of multiple arts that have to work together (music, graphic, story, etc...) to make a unique experience, and also, there's the interactivity factor, that actually puts the player inside this creation, making him a part of it...

The last part is the most important, it's the thing that should keep grabbed a player and could have different weights... in some games could be limited as the player must do what the game expects him to do, in some others, like Minecraft, the creativity of the player becomes art by itself inside a work of art...