Games Vs System


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
I always like to play games on the system that is emulated best and has the best gameplay / graphics.
That is why I generally prefer C64 instead of Spectrum and Amiga instead of Atari ST.

Unfortunately there are issues with some games on the C64 emulator and the Amiga emulator hasn't got savestates. In some cases Spectrum and a lot of cases Atari ST will/could be the best choice for a game.
I would like to see a dbase with all games sorted for the GP2X and the best emulator to play it.

Something like this:


Eliminator/Atari ST/Shooter/OutcaST
Psycho Pinball/Genesis/ Pinball/Picodrive
Black Lamp/Atari ST/Platform/OutcaST

Good idea?
Hey buddy, that sounds like a great idea - i know exactly what you mean.

I love Shadow of the Beast (I have it on my Amiga), but I have tried several variations on GP2X. Lynx, forget about it, Genesis & SNES too arcadey and even more difficult than original version (and with worse graphics and sounds. At the time Amiga emulation was not great on GP2X and I came across the game on CD-ROM for PC Enguine emulation. It is actually the best format I have come across - slightly disimproved graphics imo, but even better sounds, options and full screen.

I think something like a wiki might be the best solution - user upgradeable so things do not get out of date. But definitely, a list of a-z games listed with the best system and emulator which works best on GP2X would be great. It may need to be moderated to ensure only the best systems and emulators for each game are used in case fanboys take over!

Maybe we will get our Panic Man and 3D Car Race up there some day for our MZ's B)
b_o_b said:
I would like to see a dbase with all games sorted for the GP2X and the best emulator to play it.
Then write it yourself, because the best system to play a particular game on is very subjective. For example you think that a C64 is better than a Speccy, but only because that is probably what you're used to or what you were brought up on, but in my opinion I wouldn't ever consider playing a game on a C64 because I was brought up on a Speccy and I'd take crisper graphics with less colour and lots of clash over colourful yet overly blocky graphics any day. But saying that there are a few games that I'd never consider playing on a Speccy because I first knew them on the Dragon32 or BBC. See the problem? No-one will ever agree.
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sataniC Virus said:
Hey buddy, that sounds like a great idea - i know exactly what you mean.
Hi SV good to see you back "in action" :)

I like the idea of a mild moderated wiki!

woogal said:
Then write it yourself, because the best system to play a particular game on is very subjective. For example you think that a C64 is better than a Speccy, but only because that is probably what you're used to or what you were brought up on, but in my opinion I wouldn't ever consider playing a game on a C64 because I was brought up on a Speccy and I'd take crisper graphics with less colour and lots of clash over colourful yet overly blocky graphics any day. But saying that there are a few games that I'd never consider playing on a Speccy because I first knew them on the Dragon32 or BBC. See the problem? No-one will ever agree.
There will be a subjective part indeed, every review is subjective. But I'm sure in most cases people know what version is better and plays best on the GP2X. Fa bombjack, I don't think people will say the best version is the C64 version and plays better than Mame because they used to play it on their favourite computer. If it is less obvious you could give more options. Well... anyway... it was just an idea :)
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