Games/programs In Smc Files


Feb 27, 2004
Cork, Ireland
My GP32 came with a CD filled with files and games and stuff. There are some large games (35MB, Astonisha Story I think its called) Most of these are SMC files. How do I run these fella's?
I've tried the GAME folder and just putting the file alone on the SMC but still can't play 'em :(
Anyone know how to get 'em working?
the way I got it is that files that come in a .smc file are either demos (meant to play on pc), something left behind by a developer or warez.
Disregarding where the files came from you're not supposed to be able to unpack the files.
yes a .smc file is like a .iso when talking about a CD
You cant (theorically) unpack the .smc file...but even if you can you wont be able to play to any commercial gaes since they are encrypted to a personal ID

see you :lol:
There is away to unpack it but in short you can only play it in an emulator (GeePee32)
What has happened on here just lately, this has to be the 3rd request I have seen about SMC files in the past week.

Has someone gone mad warezing GP32 software all of a sudden ?

Onto the orginal question - you cant unpack them, they are pirated games, if you want the games you should buy them from entware, for the couple of quid they cost.
of course you can unpack them ;)
but they wont work on your gp anyway because they are encrypted...
you can make .smc files with smcmake and unpack with gpdev.exe .
it wont help you anyway dont bother with trying to play your unpacked warez and now BUY THE GAMES!

the reason for making smc files is to plays em on geepee32.

i also buyed my stuff and im very happy with it. believe me the few euros or dollars are really worth it. and please gamepark with buying your stuff.
mallrat37 posted on Mar 8 2004 at 03:23 PM said:
What has happened on here just lately, this has to be the 3rd request I have seen about SMC files in the past week.

Has someone gone mad warezing GP32 software all of a sudden ?

Onto the orginal question - you cant unpack them, they are pirated games, if you want the games you should buy them from entware, for the couple of quid they cost.
Not necessarily, some people may just be getting confused, not knowing that SMC game demo's for the emulator won't run on the real thing.
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khephren posted on Mar 8 2004 at 03:50 PM said:
Not necesarily, some people may just be getting confused, not knowing that SMC game demo's for the emulator won't run on the real thing.
No the two instances i refer too were folks aking about warez, but point taken.
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While doing a standard rom search earlier this week, I came across ALOT of GP32 roms (rips from the original games) and a few were in SMC format (I didnt download these and wont post links to where I found them, hell I dont even remember now, but they ARE out there)

And for those of you who think they are encrypted, and that protects them in some way, there is a simple software program that you run on your pc with your GP32 hooked up, and it gives the program the needed encryption codes. (Saw this on the same site)

Again, I havented used these, and dont plan on it, I dont even have my GP32 yet :P

I think that unless they specify that they have a demo of some game, or downloaded some homebrewn game, that they, indeed, are using copied gp32 roms. tsk tsk.
Opps, not intentionally asking about bootleg stuff. The guy I bought the GP32 from sent the CD with it as a bonus. Is there a chance he actually bought the games and SMC'd 'em? Guessing not, but it would be nice to play 'em on my GP.
For all the research I did before buying my GP I don't remember looking into the method for buying games designed specifically for it. Are there any worth picking up even for non korean speakers?
And how much are the games?
The games are about $15 USD if you download them (in that case they will *only* work on your GP32) They are about $35 at if you want the box, and flashcard and everything.

There are some sites that offer translations for most of these games (no not ASR unfortunatly)