Gameboy/advance Questions


Still Fresh
Jun 28, 2006
hey guys, I've been working like a dog doin stuff with my gp2x (just found a working video file converter, thank heaven), and I thought to avoid working my ass off any further, I'd just ask you guys a couple of questions to make this all a little easier on me.

ok, so far, I've got videos working, genesis, and a snes emulation that I am very content with. All I would REALLY like to know from here are a couple of things regarding the emulation of the gameboy and gba.
(NOTE) please read these questions with the knowledge that I understand that there isn't a lot of manpower behind gb and gba emulation because the devices cost like 20 bucks; I just figure that if the software is there that i would make the best of it.

The gameboy emulator I use works just fine and loads all the roms I throw at it, but I can't manage to get my games to save or savestate. I was wondering if there is an emulator out there that any of you guys know of that will save for me. That's my only concern there.

gba I could live without, but if anyone would like to relate with me or offer up some stories, that would be most appreciated. The Gba emulator I have downloaded will not load any of the roms I have. Is it a dud? are the roms duds (for the emu)? or do I simply need to wait longer for them to load?

The only Gameboy emulator I know of for the GP2X has a savestate feature, but requires a key-combination in the menu to get there. Read the readme?

As for GBA, I'm working on it, but there's a lot of stuff to do before it's playable.
sorry, i'm just a little out of it, and accidentilly skipped that part.

by "I'm working on it" are you saying that you are developing a gba emulator? cause if you are: good luck, and godspeed! WAY TO GO! SUPERDUPER!

it would be pretty nice to be able to play some golden sun and pokemon (pokemon is pimp) on the same unit as I play final fantasy five and tales of phantasia.

thanks man
I think getting good GBA emulation might attract unwanted attention (obviously from Nintendo, but also from idiots that would for example not know how to unrar something).

That's just me however. GL on your project, and maybe you could help out on other homebrew/emulation projects as well!
Well, VBA's been around for pretty long and as far as I know, they haven't had any attention from Nintendo.
( Though the main author has gone missing... coincidence? O_O)

I don't see how the GBA attracts a different crowd, compared to any other console.
I agree. If you are part of aformentioned "different crowd, you probably aren't scouring the internet for a device that can best emulate the gba. In this case, you are more than likely buying an actual gba.
Shikaku posted on Jul 16 2006 at 08:46 PM said:
I think getting good GBA emulation might attract unwanted attention (obviously from Nintendo, but also from idiots that would for example not know how to unrar something).

That's just me however. GL on your project, and maybe you could help out on other homebrew/emulation projects as well!

You've got a point there. Nintendo probably doesn't want to see their games being made available for systems that aren't theirs. Ports are one thing, but the same game that's on their GBA, on a console that's not theirs! Uh-oh! Still, the true classics (e.g GBC, GB, etc.) are running fine, and haven't attracted any attention (except from the gamers of course!). GBa emulation, however, would make the GP2X 10 times better!

I understand that, since the GBA only goes for 20 bucks nowadays (how cheap [I bought it for 70 a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago!]), not much works is being done on it. Still, you have to agree that the more consoles we can emulate on a SINGLE, HANDHELD (I repeat, HANDHELD!) system, the better the fun gets!
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