Game Logo Screen

what? goity u are broken.

Pecaloja :

Do you mean the custom screen you have made, or the slash screen for Gigas itself?
oops... didn't read what topic this was in... thought it was a gp32 explosion horror topic :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: please don't eat me :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
No its the logo screen that you use when you start a save game not an edit game. Even the one from the demo looks squashed. Any Ideas because i have got a zelda screen to exactly the same size and that doesn't work either. :(

i changed the logo size to 320x240 in the latest build, so that you could do a full screen title screen with it if you wanted to, i updated the templates to 320x240 so if you just want to paste or resize your current logo into a 320x240 canvas it'll then display correctly.

Lovely job, works a treat now. Guessed it had something to do with the size but just too lazy to keep trying different ones. Hope everyone had a Good Christmas and Happy New Year to all. :D
Yep sure is, its the game_logo.bmp and then the logo.raw after compiling. It loads up only if you play the game from the first screen and not if you select edit. Had another problem with the logo screen. See other post on entities not moving.!!! :unsure: