Game Idea


Still Fresh
May 26, 2008
a top down zombie game with controll setup like smashTV where you can move and shoot in different directions at the same time. Use Y,X,A,B to move up, down, left and right and use the D-pad/stick to aim your gun while shooting it with L and changing weapons with R.

have the player fight off hundreads of zombies on each level while looking for powerups and trying to find the exit.
trooper said:
Basically an Alien Breed Tower Assault clone with the alien hordes swapped for zombies ?
Slightly off-topic : why must all game ideas be "some other game with a twist"?

Hey I know what I'm gonna do next, a random game idea generator. Here's a code snippet from it :


printf ("Basically a %s clone except %s", name_of_game[rand()%nlist_size], twist_list[rand()%tlist_size]);

You can easily imagine what the name_of_game list could be like, the twist list would go something like this :

-with zombies
-its a MMO
-its a PacMan cross-over
-its free
-its a FPS
-in 3D
-ugly and not as fun
-it has a random map generator/a map editor

And so on.. Basically that's how all the homebrew game ideas sound to me.
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A_SN said:
That true, and I am guilty of doing exactly that. My current in production game is simple an Advance wars clone, but I started programming it as a technical exercise to see if I could do it and to improve my coding skills. Plus coming up with completly new and unique ideas is hard!
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Geuben said:
That true, and I am guilty of doing exactly that. My current in production game is simple an Advance wars clone, but I started programming it as a technical exercise to see if I could do it and to improve my coding skills. Plus coming up with completly new and unique ideas is hard!
Probably, but I'd say, it's not how new and original your game idea is that matters so much, it's coming up with it independently from any other game. My point is, people think about other games when they think up a game idea. I think they really should avoid doing that, rather ignore anything else and just try to think about what they think would be cool that they've never seen before, like, well I always have some ideas that I think would make a great game but when I can't find any such game that's when I know it's a game idea I have to use.

The rationale behind that approach is if you have an idea you like and that none of what's out there is satisfactorily close enough to it then go ahead and make it happen because by satisfying that new idea you'll create something that wasn't there before, even if one might argue that something in the same vein as it existed before.

EDIT : Damn crappy phone browser that will duplicate my posts when I edit them
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True, I do have what I believe to be an original Idea for a game, but its too complex for my skills and will only really work properly with a good 3D engine. As I have no experiecne programming 3D games and the scale of my idea would require a whole team of programmers to make in any resonable timeline its going to stay an idea for the forseeable future :(
A_SN said:
Slightly off-topic : why must all game ideas be "some other game with a twist"?
Wait I know this one, it's because there is nothing new under the sun, all been done before, the best we can hope for is a new combination, new story, new interface and to be just a bit more clever than our ancestors. Bleakness.
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Sphinxter said:
A_SN said:
Slightly off-topic : why must all game ideas be "some other game with a twist"?
Wait I know this one, it's because there is nothing new under the sun, all been done before, the best we can hope for is a new combination, new story, new interface and to be just a bit more clever than our ancestors. Bleakness.
"Everything that can be invented has been invented." --Charles H. Duell, Commissioner, U.S. Office of Patents, 1899

How close minded <_<. May you read your post again in 15-20 years ;)

Geuben said:
True, I do have what I believe to be an original Idea for a game, but its too complex for my skills and will only really work properly with a good 3D engine. As I have no experiecne programming 3D games and the scale of my idea would require a whole team of programmers to make in any resonable timeline its going to stay an idea for the forseeable future :(
Ah, well keep it somewhere on the side, a few members of the gp2xdev community including me are working on a new homebrew-centric community and when this thing goes live we'll want people to suggest their ideas publicly so that the other members of the community might eventually pick it up and make it happen. Because it's too bad that some people have great ideas that they're unable to make happen and people with no imagination but all the necessary skills who could make such ideas happen.

Actually the site is already up and running but we're still in the building/planning phase so it would be a bit to early to direct you there.
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A_SN said:
Ah, well keep it somewhere on the side, a few members of the gp2xdev community including me are working on a new homebrew-centric community and when this thing goes live we'll want people to suggest their ideas publicly so that the other members of the community might eventually pick it up and make it happen. Because it's too bad that some people have great ideas that they're unable to make happen and people with no imagination but all the necessary skills who could make such ideas happen.

Actually the site is already up and running but we're still in the building/planning phase so it would be a bit to early to direct you there.
Sounds good, I wouldn't mind contributing ideas and if possible some skills. I really want to learn more complex things and improve my coding skills, but the only good tutorials I found for SDL and OpenGL are for C++ and i dont know that, id prefer ones for C.
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Geuben said:
Sounds good, I wouldn't mind contributing ideas and if possible some skills. I really want to learn more complex things and improve my coding skills, but the only good tutorials I found for SDL and OpenGL are for C++ and i dont know that, id prefer ones for C.
Oh well that's pretty much the same thing anyways, I mean it's function calls and data structures that matter the most, and they're the same for both C and C++. I didn't rely much on tutorials anyways, it's easier to start with an example C SDL program (there's one out there on the wiki) and then continue by looking up documentation on
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A_SN said:
Oh well that's pretty much the same thing anyways, I mean it's function calls and data structures that matter the most, and they're the same for both C and C++. I didn't rely much on tutorials anyways, it's easier to start with an example C SDL program (there's one out there on the wiki) and then continue by looking up documentation on
I couldn't get my head around the classes, my brain doens't think in object orientated languages :P I'll probably give it a more serious attempt this summer while i'm not a uni.
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Geuben said:
I couldn't get my head around the classes, my brain doens't think in object orientated languages :P
Hehe, I know exactly what you mean, same here.

By the way, a most brilliant thread hijacking I pulled off here :)
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A_SN said:
Hehe, I know exactly what you mean, same here.

By the way, a most brilliant thread hijacking I pulled off here :)
The OP question was answered in the first reply ;)
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Sphinxter said:
In 20 years some alien archaeologist from a distant star could be sifting through this ozone stripped planets burnt wreckage only to find, 'run hitler run', and say, 'Hey it's kind of like. "bortglaad"'.
Actually Bortglaad started off as an OpenGL clone of Run Hitler Run except with alien graphics instead of mine. And if you thought mine were bad you should have seen what their "Café Machin" looked like! Looked like jagon-painting, ewww!
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