future upgrades?


Still Fresh
Jan 26, 2011

it's my first topic here but i'm following the pandora project from sept. 2010, i found it while surfing the net searching something portable able to load old console games and connectable to tv

the pandora looks like the one that i've ever looking for, i'm very interested in it. i've seen that a lot of software are continuously developing, improving them everyday

i have a question regarding technical specifications: are u planning to upgrade some components to get fully compatibility with more or less all old console? i mean, for example, processor (at least 1 ghz), usb3.0, hdmi tv output?

thank you in advance
Hold up on replies guys, I need a beer and a bag of popcorn.... Again.
I would imagine that at some unspecified, non-soon point in the future, there will be a new machine. It isn't now, though, and if that sort of specification is what you're after, I would guess that the current machine may not be the one for you.

Also, please remember that upgrading components alone does not get you compatibility with more things - someone has to want to write that software first, too, and then actually make it, as well.

(I must say, though, that having seen this sort of thing a number of times in my lifetime - and not just in this community - that by the time this sort of hardware is available, I'm sure there will be those who say that that's not enough, and will be demanding yet more before that version even finishes shipping, too. :P Not that I believe you're demanding anything, as your post is perfectly polite. :) )
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are you seriously? i still have a hangover from the last one....
i have a question regarding technical specifications: are u planning to upgrade some components to get fully compatibility with more or less all old console? i mean, for example, processor (at least 1 ghz), usb3.0, hdmi tv output?

It has taken an amazing amount of time for the product to go from the basic finished design (in 2008?) to an actual shipping product (it started shipping in mid-2010 but really mass production is only now starting up). Serious considering of more advanced hardware will have to wait until the creators have shipped enough to reach breakeven or profit on this device. Do not expect them to even start doing this until at least the end of this year. The plus side is that if their changes do not modify the case design, it will take far less time to implement than it has (far less means "one year" instead of "two years", I would imagine).

That said, if you're talking about DIY upgrades, the form factor of a small device like this is probably inherently resistant to most upgrades unless you're very well versed in working with small electronic components. The cpu isn't like a ZFF slot on a PC that you can slide out and replace, and you'd probably have to replace the whole board to get the other improvements I mentioned. This is going to be the situation with nearly any handheld device, though.

(I await to be corrected by people who actually know what they're talking about)
(I await to be corrected by people who actually know what they're talking about)
No you're pretty right. One point though, OPT will wait for hardware that worth a real upgrade.

I mean yeah, there are CPU more powerfull than the one in the pandora, but not that much
No you're pretty right. One point though, OPT will wait for hardware that worth a real upgrade.

I mean yeah, there are CPU more powerfull than the one in the pandora, but not that much

Good point. A bump from 600MHz to 1200MHz seems like a lot, but while it may make Dreamcast emulation more doable than it is now, I feel extremely doubtful it'd be enough to make PS2 emulation a realistic possibility, and you'd need substantially more than that to work with the other 6th generation consoles. Then there's the problem about large jumps in performance leading to far diminished battery life! It will probably be a very, very long time before a non-custom portable device with decent battery life can reach the next emulation targets.
Super, SUPER cereal?
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shoulda quoted my post, and who knows how many other people will actually get what we're talking about
we're friendly people.. but there was a thread on the same topic just two threads down.. and another one just below that one and then there was the one from the other day.. you see were this is heading..
in other words, we're nice people, but are a little on edge with the waiting and all, and some simple research and reading a few threads here and there goes a long way, instead of popping up in the middle of a project with a new thread telling us how we can be more like apple. at least learn why this device is the way it is, and what it stands for, figure out its endless possibilities and encounter its weaknesses, find out what its made to do, and accept the fact that its not a phone