Ftp File Transfer

There is a samba server available... http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,116,534

Although i cannot confirm right now whether it works or not.

I have proftpd running on the caanoo, unfortunatly i don't have internet till 26 november at home, when i get my internet back i'll upload the sources + binaries it wasn't that hard to get it working and it works perfect. The samba server had some problems, i could not for example delete files on my sd card or overwrite them, at least not from within ubuntu, did not try windows, it kept giving me some weird errors... (that's why i compiled an ftp deamon, works easier as well imo)
Hi ruffnutts

Is your Caanoo connected to the local area network?

The Samba server on the Caanoo has some problems. I used the binary that came with the Caanoo, and i managed to fixed some of problems with it, but i still cannot copy new files to the Caanoo, only overwriting existing ones. So i'd say it is pretty limited.

You could pm joyrider for his ftp daemon. Might be the easiest way to get files on the Caanoo.

you can also use this version of dropbear with sftp-server support (using winscp to transfer files)

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I will see i can make a release of the proftpd daemon sometime soon probably by the end of the week, i totally forgot about it but it does work yet i never tested it fully but it works and it's a lot easier than samba which has problems. It was the reason i did the proftpd port well it was actually just a simple compile and a bit of messing around with config files.