Fs: Super Wild Card 32mb - Snes Copier Unit

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Coltrane Sundia
Aug 7, 2004
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Hi all,

I'm moving house in a couple of months and am finally considering selling my pride & joy, an upgraded 32MB Super Wild Card copier unit for the SNES. This baby has served me well and has been well looked after in return. It still works perfectly, and I even have the original box. PAL only.


If you don't know what this is, it slots onto a SNES and lets you load games from either floppy disc or over a parallel cable -- just hook it directly up to a PC and you can load ROMs straight from your hard drive! They cost several hundred bucks originally and were very rare -- now even more so.

Sometimes emulation just isn't the same... no substitute for the real thing.

The little slot cover (only used when backing up carts) is loose, but present. Disc drive still works, as does the parallel connection. It was originally a 16MB unit but I installed a 32MB RAM chip myself, so it can play the larger games. As you can see on the menu screen:


And here is a (very poor) shot of it running the English translation of Dragon Quest V:


I can include all of the games on floppy disk for you, but a lot of them have worn out and don't work so well these days. I wouldn't bother, personally.


Now, I would really prefer to sell it to someone in Australia. Shipping overseas is possible but it will at your cost and at your risk.

I'm taking offers on this, but unless the offer is very attractive, it's not going anywhere. I know how valuable these can be, IF they can be found.

Also, I may sell my DS1 and DX256 units for use with N64 copier devices if someone is desperate for those.

Thanks, feel free to PM me with questions!

I know its only for a PAL machine - so am I right in guessing all games will play at PAL speed (50hz) and not 60?

I have a Doctor 64 with DS1 and extra RAM, with NTSC N64 myself - been tempted to look at selling lately too for some extra $, but like you, it would have to be a good offer to entice me to part from my beloved machine :)

centrlink said:
I know its only for a PAL machine - so am I right in guessing all games will play at PAL speed (50hz) and not 60?
I honestly have no idea, but I assume so (I don't think the Wildcard changes that). You can mod your SNES with a 50/60 switch though, so I hear.

I have a Doctor 64 with DS1 and extra RAM, with NTSC N64 myself - been tempted to look at selling lately too for some extra $, but like you, it would have to be a good offer to entice me to part from my beloved machine :)

Yeah, it's too tempting to hold onto them. But I've played them to death, so...

Hey, do you still have the Emulation Adapter that came with your Doctor 64? I just realized I will need that if I sell the DS1 (mine was lost by the previous owner)...

failedartifact: I have a Doctor V64 backup unit, but I'm not selling that. Just the DS1 and DX256 saving units (for SRAM and EEPROM respectively) -- although I have a good offer for those from another board already, so they're held for the time being.
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I think you might be over-stating their rarity slightly :P. While yours is in very fine condition, SNES copiers are not on the whole that hard to get hold of. They are on eBay most of the time (I got a 24Mb copier for £25 inc P&P only a few weeks ago), ToToTEK sells them and Rob Webb frequently has some in stock.

And yes, the speed is dictated by the SNES, not the copier just like with original carts.
Orkie said:
I think you might be over-stating their rarity slightly :P. While yours is in very fine condition, SNES copiers are not on the whole that hard to get hold of. They are on eBay most of the time (I got a 24Mb copier for £25 inc P&P only a few weeks ago), ToToTEK sells them and Rob Webb frequently has some in stock.

Neither of those sites have Super Wild Cards. Nor does eBay. For something not very rare, it certainly seems hard to come by.

btw nice of you to make this misleading comment. Still smarting at me calling you out on your deception regarding the Wiz prototype, eh? I'd thank you to keep your trolling elsewhere.
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And in what way is a Super Wild Card any better than those other copiers? And for the record, I *have* seen about 5 Super Wild Cards on the UK eBay in the last year and a couple on various forums and in Rob Webb's shop.

I had completely forgotten you were an arsehole about the whole Wiz thing until just now actually. And I still can't remember what I supposedly deceived people about :P.
Orkie said:
And in what way is a Super Wild Card any better than those other copiers? And for the record, I *have* seen about 5 Super Wild Cards on the UK eBay in the last year and a couple on various forums and in Rob Webb's shop.
Doesn't it tell you something that SWCs get snapped up immediately, yet Pro Fighters etc stay in stock? And eBay pulls them for violation of listing terms, so just stop it.

If anyone would like to make an offer, let me know. You can make up your own mind how hard one is to find and how much it's worth to you.
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