Free Launcher


Still Fresh
Sep 1, 2003
I recently purchased a used GP32. It came already loaded with the Free Launcher and Movie Park. Since then, I have put a few emulators on it and managed to convert an avi file on to it. I have to say that this is one of the best little devices that I have ever had. My question, is there a better substitute for the Free Launcher out there? I saw something called Wind-up GP32 or something. I just want to get the most out of the GP.
The freelauncher is the program that the gp32 uses to launch emus moviepark and games downloaded of joy gp windups is a system much in the style of windows and you can use it on your gp32 as it is now but if you want to use it as your freelauncher then you have to flash your filmware
Actually, MoviePark doesn't need freelauncher to be started, it's right in the Game menu, along with the other commercial games if any.
Windups needs the freelauncher to startup if you don't flash your firmware like johnno15 said before. You can start FXE-apps from Windups but most of them won't start from it.
Thyphoid posted on Sep 2 2003 said:
Windups needs the freelauncher to startup if you don't flash your firmware like johnno15 said before. You can start FXE-apps from Windups but most of them won't start from it.
Actually, neither part of that is true (in my experience!) :P

You can get an encrypted version of Wind-ups from the bot on IRC, and that has been fixed to load all FXEs...
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