Free Launcher + GP32 Pics


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Instead of registering with Gamepark when I get my gp32 to get free launcher, can't I just use the gp_launc.gxe and gp_launc.gxc files that came with MakeSMC? Can you guys try using these files to make free launcher work? Also can somebody post more pics of the gp32 (Frontlight or not) playing emulators like gpengine and snes9xgp? A video would be very helpful.
I know flack who posts on here alot has a site with tons of videos of emulators in action. When I was researching this thing people gave me a ton of great info. However just a few videos of emulators would have been more than enough to sway me one way or the other. I don't know the adress of the site but hopfully soeone will be kind enough to post it for you.
I PMed and e-mailed Flack a couple of days ago and he still hasn't responded. Does anybody else know the url?
Instead of registering with Gamepark when I get my gp32 to get free launcher, can't I just use the gp_launc.gxe and gp_launc.gxc files that came with MakeSMC? Can you guys try using these files to make free launcher work?
They won't work, because gp_launc.gxe and .gxc are encrypted files that are encrypted for one GP32, and the ones w/ Make SMC are prolly for the GP32 that GeePee emulates (sp?) If you try to run those files in your GP32 it'll just give you some kind of error (I don't know what it will do)