Not sure what you want- could you give a bit more information?
Gamepark produce a SDK for Visual C++ which allows you to compile your GP32 code against windows libraries, to produce a Win32 executable which draws a GP32 on the screen and plays your game. I've never used it, so I can't comment on how good it is.
There's also GeePee32, which is a windows or linux Gp32 simulator, it's excellent for trying your Gp32 code before downloading it to an actual unit.
Personally, I just compile, then use Dark Fader's PC-link to directly execute my gxb file on the GP32 (ie. I don't have to copy my program to the GP32's SMC card). It's quick and easy, and there's nothing like testing on actual hardware!
We're pretty helpful around here, so ask lots of questions, and I'm sure you'll get up and running without too much pain