For sale....Mega Everdrive x3 + Neo Geo Pocket Colour


Active Member
May 13, 2008
Selling my lightly used Mega Everdrive x3.

Comes boxed in great working condition

Genuine sale, I have 100% feedback on ebay if anyone needs reassurance.

I'm looking for 35GBP/$60AUD - I think thats a fair price?

Cart is in Australia but I'll cap international shipping at 5GBP?

Happy to hear from anyone :)


I'm also selling my Neo Geo Pocket Colour (JAP), comes boxed with Baseball Stars

All great condition, though I lost the battery cover for the NGP but have replaced with a 3rd party one

Looking for $150AUD/90GBP for this

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I think the price is very fair. I'm not jumping because I don't have a Megadrive and am not sure what I can do with a Jap NGPC. And I'm trying to limit the amount of crap I buy then play on once or twice before putting in storage. But if I were in the market for an NGPC I'd be all over this.
Agree on the NGPC price :). Last year I got one from a local friend for a friend´s price, boxed but without any games (let alone complete games) and it was very much in your price vicinity :)
Regarding it being from Japan, I think it makes no difference in playing since you can easily adjust the settings all the time.
Also fair on the krikzz gadget I think. I have a similar one from the Dragon Shop, good luck on the sale, new user will be happy :)