Flickering And Diag. Lines Are Software Probs.


Still Fresh
Dec 7, 2005
Anyone notices that when you use DrMD there is no FLICKERING, no diagonals lines AT ALL ?

This wonderful, sublime, amazing emulator ( i definitly bow before its dev) tells us 2 things :
-The LCD screen of the gp2x is great and beautiful and PERFECT for emulation
-the flickering, dots, scanlines and such ARE ONLY SOFTWARE PROBLEMS ON OUR GP2x !

*Goes back to Sonic & Knuckles, shedding a tear for all those days of worries about my gp2x being defective*

But, Snes is not as good as this yet! i am a bit sad ! Come on dev, please start work on Snes plz!
DrMD has been in development A LOT longer than NKs snes emu and I'm pretty sure most if not all of it was written from scratch for the gp32 hardware. NKs snes emu at the moment is just implementations of code from other snes emulators and will be a while before its up to speed
chris_r posted on Dec 10 2005 at 01:37 PM said:
DrMD has been in development A LOT longer than NKs snes emu and I'm pretty sure most if not all of it was written from scratch for the gp32 hardware. NKs snes emu at the moment is just implementations of code from other snes emulators and will be a while before its up to speed
And also all the newbies here seem to act like there is no one else on the dev irc channel that has not got the LCD screen working correctly, and that Reesy is the only person who has got it working correctly.
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Hanz™ posted on Dec 10 2005 at 01:40 PM said:
chris_r posted on Dec 10 2005 at 01:37 PM said:
DrMD has been in development A LOT longer than NKs snes emu and I'm pretty sure most if not all of it was written from scratch for the gp32 hardware. NKs snes emu at the moment is just implementations of code from other snes emulators and will be a while before its up to speed
And also all the newbies here seem to act like there is no one else on the dev irc channel that has not got the LCD screen working correctly, and that Reesy is the only person who has got it working correctly.

Well, I expect that a) they've never been on the dev IRC channel and b.) nobody's told them. So don't complain, just say. Some of the more advanced users on here assume everybody knows everything.

EDIT: And besides, all the thread-starter's points are valid. Plus, I like the thread-starter because they use proper grammar.
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Rob Brown did all of the work in getting the LCD to work. His findings and original work are now used in Rlyeh's sdk and I'm using a hacked version of Rlyeh's sdk because I need to do things slightly differently.

So your thanks should go to Mr Rob Brown!
well my LCD is still flickering a bit, it's much better of course, but i have seen much better results while playing with the overcklocking tool (with 210 or 280mhz for example but my firmware is still 1.0 :o )

so it's better , but not prefect yet :P

the good things is : it WILL be perfect :D
Doesn't cure my flickering, or diagonal lines, or dodgy joystick (to whom right is nanometres away from up-right).

So to declare this a software fault is somewhat premature.
Reesy posted on Dec 10 2005 at 02:03 PM said:
Rob Brown did all of the work in getting the LCD to work. His findings and original work are now used in Rlyeh's sdk and I'm using a hacked version of Rlyeh's sdk because I need to do things slightly differently.

So your thanks should go to Mr Rob Brown!

Was this in the version you gave out yesterday on IRC? I ask because mine was flickery as anything in that. I downgraded firmware to 1.0.0 and its fine. So I was presuming you weren't re-setting up the LCD?



P.S. Can I find the state of your XBOX 360 fund? I will probably add to it, but I want to see where it is at!
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foft posted on Dec 10 2005 at 04:15 PM said:
P.S. Can I find the state of your XBOX 360 fund? I will probably add to it, but I want to see where it is at!

You could always try reading his sig.
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nickspoon posted on Dec 10 2005 at 01:48 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Dec 10 2005 at 01:40 PM said:
chris_r posted on Dec 10 2005 at 01:37 PM said:
DrMD has been in development A LOT longer than NKs snes emu and I'm pretty sure most if not all of it was written from scratch for the gp32 hardware.  NKs snes emu at the moment is just implementations of code from other snes emulators and will be a while before its up to speed
And also all the newbies here seem to act like there is no one else on the dev irc channel that has not got the LCD screen working correctly, and that Reesy is the only person who has got it working correctly.

Well, I expect that a) they've never been on the dev IRC channel and b.) nobody's told them. So don't complain, just say. Some of the more advanced users on here assume everybody knows everything.

EDIT: And besides, all the thread-starter's points are valid. Plus, I like the thread-starter because they use proper grammar.
a ) true :)
b ) true too

And actually, English isn't my native language... so your PS is making me proud !

Thanks Rob and Reesy. Devs should always get cheers anyway... especially when i was going to return my gp2x... and won't now i know it's not a hardware fault :)
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mysql101 posted on Dec 10 2005 at 05:01 PM said:
foft posted on Dec 10 2005 at 04:15 PM said:
P.S. Can I find the state of your XBOX 360 fund? I will probably add to it, but I want to see where it is at!

You could always try reading his sig.
Doh! Somehow I managed to read only the first half:-)

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Gee. I wasn't attacking anyone I was just stressing a point. EvilDragon had mentioned it here before btw. Ages ago though.
While I've never had horizontal lines (aside from the initial startup screen which I think it's supposed to be like that) the "interlacing" problem with the screen is still prevalent though...