The thing is, it Runs Perfectly on my WinXP machine (I just dragged it straight from my Win98 Laptop onto the XP system)
My laptop is still on win98 as Its only a 350mhz, 192mb Ram, 5gb hard drive setup. WinXP would just kill it

I used TightVNC from the Win98 Laptop to run Fenix from the downstairs XP system. I get the "Hello World!" to work

If someone walked into the computer room to use my PC they would have been like "WTF??" as all they would have say was the mouse moving and code being typed onto the screen etc by me from upstairs

... TightVNC is
Excellent if you want to make someone think they are being hacked, I did it at school LOL, anyway, back to fenix
aapje89 might be right, I might have got the dll for a winXP machine or something instead of 98. I will look around for another
OR, Does Flamebird Require any Microsoft Software to run?? Like some software says "You Require such and such to run this" and you need to goto the microsoft site to download it... .NET Framewaork, thats what its called isnt it???? Im sure thats what I will need

Will try that
and Tattooman, It is GP32 related
Thanks all (Except Tattooman
, Im guessing you clicked my thread link from the front page of the site and thats why you didnt know what it was
