fix savegame-name problem in gpscumm


Still Fresh
Mar 21, 2003

came up with a quick hack, which i will explain below, until i release another binnary.
so, the only games that suffer from that bug are those tha have longer game IDs than
8 letter, ie monkeyvga (monkey island 1).the savegame name is produced from the
game id, which results in too long filename for some of the games and saving does not work.

The Hack:
open scummvm.fxe (or whatever the filename is for the vesion you're using) in a hex editor,
and look for the game id of the game. for example to fix the problem in monkey island 1 look for:
once found, set your editor in OVERWRITE mode (press Inc or so, it's up to your editor).
now ovewrite one of the characters of the gameid with a null character (0x0000). NOT '.' ' ' or '0' !! :-)
It should be between the first and eight character. Example:
^ overwrite with null character
The idea is - that way you're making the game id shorter so the resulting savegame filename will be valid. Get it?
Now you can call yourself hax0r :)

PS: Some notes:
- you don't need to do that for games which have shorter id's than 8 chars naturally
- you will usually not find the string (game id) twice (I tried that only on monkey island).
but in case it does appear twice, seek the one which has the full game name string near it.
- remember to overwrite, NOT insert a null-character since inserting it will change the filesize.

next version will be realeased (with this problem fixed as well :) after sound works perfectly.

Nothing more to say than it's great to see you around keeping following your marvelous job on vmScumm...
Really thanks Mr ph0x !!! :D :D :D

PS : have you bought a brand new GP32 ?