First Batch buyer


Still Fresh
Oct 5, 2008
The Ohio State University
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Well just spent my GI Bill on pre-ordering my Pandora. I don't need my text books till finals week right? :P But I had to buy a first batch Pandora because I'm getting deployed to Iraq in May 1st and I want to make sure I had a Pandora for when I'm over in the Sandbox. I'll be sure take some pictures of me play in my "battle rattle". I know I'll be the envy of every other soldier when they see me play PS, SNES, Gensis, NES, Arcaded, and GBA games on a hand held! Pandora will go very nicely with my Nokia n810 internet tablet. I can't wait to have another Linux machine that is ridiculously cool and I can have people come up to me in class and ask me what it is and where they can buy one.

On a different note, I've been using Linux for over 6 years now and I know how the Linux community contributes to everything and makes Linux and it's products that much better. I've only have a class or two on programming so I can't contribute any program of much substance or debug a program so what exactly can I do to help Pandora out? This is the first time I REALLY want to help out a Linux community. I'm willing to even learn something to help contribute. So please tell me what a fairly knowledgeable Linux college student do to help out? :D
documentation, translation (if you speak any languages besides english),betatesting, graphics design (if you're skilled)
I don't have the best grammar, don't speak any other language than English, and I have no graphic skills :( . But I can translate "computer documentation" into something a below average user can understand. Seriously, MAN files take forever to decoded what they mean sometimes.
no worries dude,

good post btw. I think quite a few are probably in the same boat, just hang here and chat when you can, see something you can contribute to or help someone out, ideas etc.

You don't have to be developing a new N64 emulator to be valued; we're a community.

I remember on the old board "this is the best forum i've been to, it's like one giant dysfunctional family" - I couldn't agree more. :lol:
I came into this scene in January this year with a GP2X, limited Linux exposure and no coding experience (since GW Basic when I was 12, anyway). After many years of forum post-whoring, I'd never experienced a community like this one. Throughout the year I've found a heap of cool ways to contribute, from sharing hardware mods, to beta testing, to some graphics here and there (I'm no artist, but I'm a decent Photoshop butcher).

Just about everyone, regardless of background or skillset, has something to offer if they're up for it. At the very least, some feedback and thanks to the devs is always appreciated.

I've got a background in writing as well (tech documentation, and promotional). Hopefully I can put that to use here in the future.
FireHazard51 said:
Well just spent my GI Bill on pre-ordering my Pandora. I don't need my text books till finals week right? :P But I had to buy a first batch Pandora because I'm getting deployed to Iraq in May 1st and I want to make sure I had a Pandora for when I'm over in the Sandbox. I'll be sure take some pictures of me play in my "battle rattle". I know I'll be the envy of every other soldier when they see me play PS, SNES, Gensis, NES, Arcaded, and GBA games on a hand held! Pandora will go very nicely with my Nokia n810 internet tablet. I can't wait to have another Linux machine that is ridiculously cool and I can have people come up to me in class and ask me what it is and where they can buy one.

If you are going there please don't use Napalm on the citiziens , USA actually used it one them and it's really a shame hurting innocent people with napalm.
Um, I don't think he'll have any say in that. And he may not be going there for combat anyway.

I don't disagree with the sentiment though. War = :( (Hope your deployment is a safe one, Firehazard).
I guess everyone's got something to contribute... I'm bilingual which would help if there was a Mexican opensource scene (which is probably never going to happen).
EDIT: clarification
Mithrildor said:
FireHazard51 said:
Well just spent my GI Bill on pre-ordering my Pandora. I don't need my text books till finals week right? :P But I had to buy a first batch Pandora because I'm getting deployed to Iraq in May 1st and I want to make sure I had a Pandora for when I'm over in the Sandbox. I'll be sure take some pictures of me play in my "battle rattle". I know I'll be the envy of every other soldier when they see me play PS, SNES, Gensis, NES, Arcaded, and GBA games on a hand held! Pandora will go very nicely with my Nokia n810 internet tablet. I can't wait to have another Linux machine that is ridiculously cool and I can have people come up to me in class and ask me what it is and where they can buy one.

If you are going there please don't use Napalm on the citiziens , USA actually used it one them and it's really a shame hurting innocent people with napalm.

Nope, far as I know there is no Napalm gun for HMMWVs. I'll just be killing "insurgents" the old fashion way, .50 cal WWII style :P .

I can't tell you how many stories I've heard of the Iraqi citizens doing the most stupidest stuff and end up getting killed because soldiers were pretty much forced to kill them. Every Iraqi knows you can't get within 100 feet of convoys yet they still do and they get shot to hell. Whats crazy is I've seen a documentary where a women tried to run across the road in between HMMWVs in a convoy and end up getting run over. A guy in my unit said he ran over a kid with a duce and a half because he tried to do the same thing. Kid got up and ran across the street after he stiffed armed the front bumper and luckily survived apparently. Even had his hand print from where he hit it :twisted: .
FireHazard51 said:
Mithrildor said:
FireHazard51 said:
Well just spent my GI Bill on pre-ordering my Pandora. I don't need my text books till finals week right? :P But I had to buy a first batch Pandora because I'm getting deployed to Iraq in May 1st and I want to make sure I had a Pandora for when I'm over in the Sandbox. I'll be sure take some pictures of me play in my "battle rattle". I know I'll be the envy of every other soldier when they see me play PS, SNES, Gensis, NES, Arcaded, and GBA games on a hand held! Pandora will go very nicely with my Nokia n810 internet tablet. I can't wait to have another Linux machine that is ridiculously cool and I can have people come up to me in class and ask me what it is and where they can buy one.

If you are going there please don't use Napalm on the citiziens , USA actually used it one them and it's really a shame hurting innocent people with napalm.

Nope, far as I know there is no Napalm gun for HMMWVs. I'll just be killing "insurgents" the old fashion way, .50 cal WWII style :P .

I can't tell you how many stories I've heard of the Iraqi citizens doing the most stupidest stuff and end up getting killed because soldiers were pretty much forced to kill them. Every Iraqi knows you can't get within 100 feet of convoys yet they still do and they get shot to hell. Whats crazy is I've seen a documentary where a women tried to run across the road in between HMMWVs in a convoy and end up getting run over. A guy in my unit said he ran over a kid with a duce and a half because he tried to do the same thing. Kid got up and ran across the street after he stiffed armed the front bumper and luckily survived apparently. Even had his hand print from where he hit it :twisted: .
fucking america. they shouldnt HAVE to be cautious about convoys, because they shouldnt be there.
this topic has derailed and killed everyone on the train
::shakes head:: Oh the joys of politics on a game forum......

Anyways about documentation. Is that more like How-To documentation or more of a wiki? I feel like a slug. I want to help but I can't document with out a Pandora and see how to do stuff and then make a How-To about it right?
Funny. The main part about the post was a GI getting a Pandora. The aside was about him helping out. Now you're gonna lock the topic if we don't talk about that bit? In that case lock the thread as there is already much discussion about how people can help out here. The topic title doesn't support how can people help out either.

@firehazard +1 for a safe deployment. And keep that Panda safe, don't want it getting into enemy hands.